Hey -

I wrote you a reasonable test application using your tables.  So I  
apologize, you werent mapping "secondary" to an association table, I  
thought I saw that but it was an email formatting issue.  You were  
creating overlapping names to relations though, so the attached script  
resolves that and illustrates some sample usage.

I also found a small bug in Query related to your extra  
ForeignKeyConstraint (at least in 0.5) which you normally would not  
come across, that will be fixed soon.

hope this helps.

- mike

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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo='debug')
metadata = MetaData()
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, transactional=True, autoflush=True)
Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

users = Table('users',metadata,
                   Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
                   Column('user_name', Unicode(25), unique = True))

categories = Table('categories',metadata,
                   Column('categ_id',Integer, primary_key = True),
                   Column('categ_name',Unicode(250), unique = True))

questions = Table('questions', metadata,
                   Column('quest_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
                   Column('question', Unicode(300)))

correspond = Table('categories_questions', metadata,
                   Column('quest_id', Integer,ForeignKey('questions.quest_id'), primary_key = True),
                   Column('categ_id', Integer,ForeignKey('categories.categ_id'), primary_key = True))

ask = Table('ask', metadata,
                   Column('user_id',Integer,ForeignKey('users.user_id'), primary_key = True),
                   Column('quest_id',Integer,ForeignKey('questions.quest_id'), primary_key = True),
                   Column('data1',Integer, nullable = False, default= 50))

answer = Table('answer',metadata,
                   Column('user_id',Integer,ForeignKey('users.user_id'), primary_key=True),
                   Column('quest_id',Integer,ForeignKey('questions.quest_id'), primary_key=True),
                   # the double FK constraint here is not invalid, but has revealed a bug
                   # in current SA when using join() with aliased=True [ticket:1041]

class PrettyRepr(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%s)" % (
            ','.join(["%s=%s" % (key, repr(getattr(self, key))) for key in self.__dict__ if not key.startswith('_')])
class User(Base, PrettyRepr):
    __table__ = users
    def ask_question(self, question, data):
        self.ask.append(AskAss(question=question, data1=data))
    def answer_question(self, question, data):
        self.answer.append(AnswerAss(question=question, data2=data))
class Category(Base, PrettyRepr):
    __table__ = categories
class AskAss(Base):
    __table__ = ask
    user = relation(User, backref = 'ask')

class AnswerAss(Base):
    __table__ = answer
    user = relation(User, backref = 'answer')
class Question(Base):
    __table__ = questions
    categories = relation(Category, secondary=correspond, backref="questions")

    ask_ass_users = relation(AskAss, backref='question')

    answer_ass_users = relation(AnswerAss, backref='question')


sess = Session()

jack = User(user_name='jack')
ed = User(user_name='ed')
wendy = User(user_name='wendy')

[sess.save(x) for x in [jack, ed, wendy]]

colors = Category(categ_name='colors')
shapes = Category(categ_name='shapes')
cars = Category(categ_name='cars')
[sess.save(x) for x in [colors, shapes, cars]]

favorite_color = Question(question=u"What's your favorite color? 1. blue 2. green 3. red", categories=[colors])
favorite_shape = Question(question=u"What's your favorite shape? 1. square 2. circle 3. trapezoid", categories=[shapes])
blue_cars = Question(question=u"What's your favorite blue car? 1. pinto 2. nova 3. duster", categories=[colors, cars])
[sess.save(x) for x in [favorite_color, favorite_shape, blue_cars]]

jack.ask_question(favorite_shape, 2)
jack.ask_question(favorite_color, 1)

wendy.answer_question(favorite_color, 2)
ed.answer_question(blue_cars, 3)
ed.ask_question(favorite_shape, 3)
jack.answer_question(favorite_shape, 2)

# all users who asked about colors
assert sess.query(User).join('ask', 'question', 'categories').filter(Category.categ_name=='colors').all() == [jack]

# all users who answered about cars
assert sess.query(User).join('answer', 'question', 'categories').filter(Category.categ_name=='cars').all() == [ed]

# all categories answered or asked by jack (this query can be done more flexibly in 0.5)
assert sess.query(Category).outerjoin('questions', 'ask_ass_users').\
    outerjoin('questions', 'answer_ass_users', aliased=True).filter(
        )).order_by(Category.categ_name).all() == [colors, shapes]

On May 12, 2008, at 2:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 12 mai, 19:16, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> lets all repeat the mantra...."association tables with any columns
>> beyond the two foreign keys use the association object pattern".  I
>> guess its a little too wordy to be catchy.   Documented 
>> athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/mappers.html#advdatamapping_relatio 
>> ...
>>  .
>> On May 12, 2008, at 10:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks for answering and for your great work, Michael.
> Sorry to ask stupid questions but I am learning...
> You remind me that "association tables with any columns  beyond the
> two foreign keys use the association object pattern"
> I saw that.
> I thought that is what I did in the answerMapper or the askMapper and
> the questionMapper which link the tables users and questions).
> Isn't it what I have done ?
> No ?
> If not, could you please tell me what is wrong in my model ?
> May be the backref in the questionMapper should not be 'questions' ?
> (See: # ManyToMany AnswerAssociation between questions and users
>                    'users': relation(AnswerAss,
> backref='questions') )
> What I can't manage to do corresponds to the Mapper configuration
> tutorial (Association object):
> "# create parent, append a child via association
> p = Parent()
> a = Association()
> a.child = Child()
> p.children.append(a)"
> I thought I could do:
> q = Question(question = 'blabla')
> a = askAss()
> a.users = User(user_name = 'Michael')
> q.users.append(a)
> Python forwards this error: "AttributeError: type object 'AskAss' has
> no attribute 'questions' ".
> I am  a bit lost ...
> Thanks again for any help
> Dominique
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