On May 19, 3:35 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if youre looking to work at the statement interception level, we do  
> have an API for that, called ProxyConnection, available in 0.5 under  
> lib/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py.  It seems like this would be required  
> since you'd like to make decisions based on direct SQL execution.

Thanks, I'll check that out.

> not sure how you'd do things like "only write tables out every 10  
> minutes" riding underneath the ORM session though, if you mean to be  
> intercepting its attempts to write rows and then delay that.    That  
> sounds like something that would ride on *top* of the ORM.

Yeah, can do it on top, but for various reasons I was hoping there was
some sort of interface that would let me interpose code before inserts
were executed and then I could grab the insert and queue it for later
rather than have it execute now. Sounds like the ProxyConnection may
let me do this.

> On May 19, 2008, at 2:15 PM, TP wrote:
> > Hi, we have a DB app that uses SQLAlchemy and we'd like to add some
> > custom DB caching logic. Unfortunately, there are no simple choke
> > points that everything flows through where we could add this caching
> > other than SQLAlchemy.
> > We'd like to do things such as say "invalidate the cache if tables X,
> > Y and Z are updated / inserted" or "batch inserts to tables X and Y
> > and only write them out every 10 minutes".
> > I noticed that Sessions have an interface for SessionExtensions that
> > would let me look at pending instances associated with the session at
> > commit time. However, it looks like this would only capture updates
> > made through the ORM APIs? Unfortunately we have people doing
> > (relatively simple) direct SQL execution through Session.execute() as
> > well.
> > Any ideas other than rewrite everything that uses a proper API above
> > SQLAlchemy to do the caching?
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