We're using SA 0.4.4. We're creating non-threadlocal sessions that are
bound to an engine at session factory creation time. Any ideas for why
even after closing one session and creating a new session with the
session factory that we're seeing old data? If we do an explicit
commit or rollback, then we start seeing the new data in subsequently
created sessions. I even tried doing refresh() and expire() calls on
the object before closing and re-creating the session, but we still
saw the old data.

On May 27, 6:04 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 27, 2008, at 5:35 PM, TP wrote:
> > From reading the docs, it sounds like calling .close() on a session
> > implicitly does a .rollback():
> > "When the Session is closed, it remains attached, but clears all of
> > its contents and releases any ongoing transactional resources,
> > including rolling back any remaining transactional state. The Session
> > can then be used again."
> > But, it looks like this may not be the case?
> > I have an application that reads data from a MySQL db using InnoDB
> > tables and the session is set to transactional. I believe this
> > defaults me into MySQL's "repeatable read" consistency level. If I
> > select some data, .clear()/.close() the session, change the data from
> > another connection and then re-read the data using the original
> > session I get the old data. If I do a commit() I can then see the new
> > data.
> > This makes me think that .close() is not doing a rollback so MySQL
> > keeps returning the same data for every select regardless of whether
> > it has changed in the DB. Or am I missing something else?
> what close() does is release any checked-out connection resources  
> which the Session might have used.  The connection pool by default  
> issues rollback() on connections when they are returned, so thats the  
> rollback which happens; the connection is gone from the Session in any  
> case.
> There is also a behavior in 0.4 which is gone in 0.5 which is that the  
> connection pool is returning connections from a threadlocal registry.  
> So if you have two sessions in the same thread, they're going to share  
> that connection.  In 0.4 this can be turned off by sending  
> "pool_threadlocal=False" to create_engine().
> Otherwise, it sounds like you are binding your Session directly to a  
> Connection.  In that case you'd just issue rollback() on that session  
> which will issue the rollback() on the connection, and then an  
> expire_all() or clear().
> If you're just starting to use SA, I'd strongly recommend using the  
> 0.5 trunk which will start having alpha releases soon.  The  
> transactional interaction has been greatly improved, and rollback()  
> will revert the state of the session fully using attribute expiry as  
> well as reverting "pending" and "deleted" objects to "transient" and  
> "persistent" respectively.
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