Greetings alchemists, 
  I'm trying to setup the migration strategy for our project and I'm
looking for some kind of schema differ.

I took a look at sqlalchemy_migrate: the changeset module provides
interesting functionalities to add columns, alter tables, and create
constraints on an existing database but the versioning parts seems
clumsy and fragile: I have to perform all the schema upgrade by hand
and I have to keep track of the upgrade with some kind of crude
revision control system.  There is that and the fact that the doc is
out of date which convince me that I have to find some other solution.

All our table definitions are written in Python with the Alchemy ORM
facility; nothing is inferred through autoload.  I guess we could get
a rough idea of the changes by walking the list of table with and
comparing the column names in both version.  The diff for a new column
would be easy enough to compute and we could trigger and error if the
column is changed so a human could write the appropriate alter

I'm sure I'm not the first to look for a solution to schema upgrade.
Is there a package out there to compute the differences between two
versions of a schema?  If not, what gotchas should I know about before
I try my hand at such a framework?

Yannick Gingras

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