a bug, fixed in r4834 of 0.4 branch and r4835 of the trunk.

On Jun 3, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

> Hi there,
> In SA 0.4.6 I get the following failure when attempting to merge an
> object that contains a ComparableProperty:
>> ....
>>  prop.merge(self, instance, merged, dont_load, _recursive)
>> TypeError: merge() takes exactly 4 arguments (6 given)
> Is this something I am doing wrong or a bug?
> ta,
> Martin
> ---------------
> import sqlalchemy
> from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, types
> from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, comparable_property
> from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import PropComparator
> engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=False)
> metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
> metadata.bind = engine
> Session =
> sqlalchemy
> .orm.scoped_session(sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
> transactional=True, bind=engine))
> mapper = Session.mapper
> class PolymorphicProperty(object):
>    class Comparator(PropComparator):
>        def __eq__(self, other):
>            return self._value == other._value
>    def __init__(self, key=None, value=None):
>        self.key = key
>        self.value = value
>    def _getValue(self):
>        return self._value
>    def _setValue(self, value):
>        setattr(self, '_value', value)
>    value = property(_getValue, _setValue)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return '<%s:%s %s=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id,
> self.key, self.value)
> table = Table('polymorphicProperties', metadata,
>                    Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
>                    Column('key', types.String(20), nullable=False,
> default='keyword'),
>                    Column('_value', types.Text, default=None),
>                )
> mapper(PolymorphicProperty,
>        table,
>        properties={
>                    'value':
> comparable_property(PolymorphicProperty.Comparator,
> PolymorphicProperty.value),
>                    }
>        )
> metadata.create_all(engine)
> sess = Session()
> sess.begin()
> prop = PolymorphicProperty(key='name', value='Bob')
> sess.commit()
> print prop
> sess.expunge(prop)
> Session.remove()
> sess = Session()
> # This Fails
> sess.merge(prop)
> Session.remove()
> >

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