On Jun 9, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Jonathan LaCour wrote:

> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> Thanks I'll take a look.  I left out what I think is an
>>> important part of this scenario (or maybe it's trivial - I don't
>>> have a good perspective on this yet).  In any case, I would like
>>> to use the ORM component of sqlalchemy and completely hide the
>>> fact that the read/ write connections are possibly different.
>>> (They might become the same connection if the local database
>>> becomes unaccessible and/or is too far behind the master).
>> that is going to be very hard to accomplish as the Session does
>> not have a clustering rules engine built into it in order to
>> determine read/write locations, nor is that within its scope.  It
>> can only handle "class X talks to engine Y".
> Just an FYI, I am actually splitting reads and writes in a fairly
> straightforward way in my web application by inferring the intent
> of the request based upon the method. We developed the application
> so that all requests that write to the database are in a POST.
> Everything else uses other methods (primarily GET).
> We use a scoped session, ensuring that each request gets its own
> session and then wrote some WSGI middleware which will automatically
> bind the session to the correct database instance (one of the
> masters, or the correct slave) based upon the request method. We
> also automatically wrap POST's in a transaction, and roll back upon
> errors.
> FWIW, this middleware is like 20 lines of code long. If your app
> is not web-based you might have trouble getting away with something
> like this :)

yup, my approach for this uses decorators:

def do_something_readonly(request_vars):

def do_something_writeable(request_vars):

the scoped_session is configured by the decorator.

but this still has an "explicit"ness to it that it seemed the poster  
was looking to avoid.  but perhaps I mis-read.

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