Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> I have mysqldb installed in the system wide install how do I tell
> virtualenv to use it?
> I don't see a need to install it in virtualenv again so I guess I just
> have to givea right path? How, and in which file?
> Thanks,
> Lucas
>  File 
> "/usr/local/pythonenv/BASELINE/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQL
> line 1430, in dbapi
>     import MySQLdb as mysql
> ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

When you create the virtualenv, there is a '--no-site-packages' switch
which determines whether the system-wide site-packages directory will be
on the search path or not. If you didn't provide this switch, then
MySQLdb should be visible. (Documented at

From your python prompt, type "import sys; print '\n'.join(sys.path)" to
see your search path. If the directory containing your MySQLdb
installation is not in there, you have a problem.

Hope that helps,


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