I submitted a temporary tables patch that basically allows you to put
a prefixes keyword when you create the Table():
db = create_engine('sqlite:///')
meta = MetaData()
conn = db.connect()
meta.bind = conn
tbl = Table('foo', meta, Column('bar', Integer),


I hope you'll accept the patch, considering that was how it was
discussed in the mailing list a month ago.

I'm wondering though.  Will you accept an enhancement that allows you
to use postgresql's COPY in a similar way to how psycopg2 implements

In psycopg2, there are three functions: copy_from, copy_to,
curs.copy_from(io, 'test_copy') will initiate a COPY using io (which
can be any python file-like object) to the table 'test_copy'
copy_to is similar and copy_expert allows you to form your own COPY

With postgresql, COPY is far faster than doing inserts.

Jonathan Hseu
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