any table that has more than just two foreign keys to remote tables
does not normally qualify as a "secondary" table (its only allowed for
certain edge cases which are not present here).  The "Join" class
mapped to the "join_table" is the right approach.  In which case, you
*definitely* don't want to be using "secondary" or "secondary_join" in
any case here.  Any access from A->(Join)->B where you don't want to
"see" the Join object, you should use the associationproxy at that
point - but get the entire thing to work first without using
associationproxy, as its only a convenience extension.

On Jun 16, 5:11 pm, Matt Haggard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a triple join table (joining three things together) and I'm
> really struggling to get it to work as I intend.  I've pasted the full
> model at the bottom.  I've struggled with this off and on for months
> now... I don't really understand how I can get SQLAlchemy to do what I
> want.
> The join table has 4 columns:
> type_id | section_id | question_id | ord
> What I'd like is the following:
> Questionnaire object with:
>    .sections list that contain
>       .questions list that contain:
>          .answer
> So, something like:
> q = Questionnaire()
> print q.sections[2].questions[1].answer
> # yield the answer to question 1 of section 2 (or question 2 of
> section 3 depending on your indexing :) )
> I encounter a problem because a Question object doesn't know what the
> type_id is because that is stored with the Questionnaire object.
> Likewise from a section object.  I'm pulling my hair out...
> Thanks,
> Matt Haggard
> --------------------------------------------
> from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, Table, types, ForeignKey,
> func
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
> from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import select
> from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
> from datetime import datetime
> from formencode import validators
> from smmodels import NoHTML, SuperDateValidator
> metadata = MetaData()
> types_table = Table('q_type', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('name', types.Unicode),
>     Column('longname', types.Unicode),
>     Column('validation_type', types.Unicode)
> )
> customer_table_part = Table('customer', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('email', types.Unicode, unique=True, index=True),
>     Column('validation_type', types.Unicode)
> )
> questionnaire_table = Table('q_questionnaire', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('type_id', types.Integer, ForeignKey('')),
>     Column('started', types.DateTime,,
>     Column('firstpage_firstdone', types.DateTime),
>     Column('firstpassed', types.DateTime),
>     Column('customer_id', types.Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> index=True),
>     Column('q_busdescrip', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_dsedescrip', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_providedallip', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_company_name', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_dba', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_contact_name', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_phone', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_trans_num_yearly', types.Unicode),
>     Column('q_title', types.Unicode),
>     Column('grade', types.Unicode),
>     Column('failing_sections', types.Integer, default=0),
>     Column('incomplete_sections', types.Integer, default=0),
>     Column('number_blacklisted', types.Integer, default=0),
>     Column('lastupdated', types.DateTime,,
>     Column('expiration_date', types.DateTime)
> )
> questions_table = Table('q_questions_new', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('display_number', types.Unicode),
>     Column('question', types.Unicode),
>     Column('type', types.Unicode),
>     Column('weight', types.Integer),
>     Column('correct_answer', types.Unicode, default=''),
>     Column('dft_order', types.Integer)
> )
> sections_table = Table('q_sections_new', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('secnum', types.Unicode),
>     Column('name', types.Unicode),
>     Column('longname', types.Unicode)
> )
> join_table = Table('q_join', metadata,
>     Column('type_id', types.Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> index=True, primary_key=True),
>     Column('question_id', types.Integer,
> ForeignKey(''), index=True, primary_key=True),
>     Column('section_id', types.Integer,
> ForeignKey(''), index=True, primary_key=True),
>     Column('ord', types.Integer)
> )
> answers_table = Table('q_answers_new', metadata,
>     Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('question_id', types.Integer,
> ForeignKey(''), index=True),
>     Column('q_id', types.Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> index=True),
>     Column('answer', types.Unicode),
>     Column('answerdate', types.DateTime,,
>     Column('markedby', types.Unicode, default='hand'),
>     Column('visible', types.Boolean, default=True)
> )
> class qType:
>     allquestions = association_proxy('joinObj', 'questions')
>     sections = association_proxy('joinObj', 'sections')
>     def __init__(self):
>         pass
>     def __str__(self):
>         return 'id: %s name: %s' % (,
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "<Questionnaire Type(%s, name:'%s')>" % (,
> class qJoin:
>     def __init__(self, type_obj=None, question_obj=None,
> section_obj=None):
>         self.type = type_obj
>         self.question = question_obj
>         self.section = section_obj
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '<qJoin type,question,section:(%s,%s,%s)>' %
> (self.type_id, self.question_id, self.section_id)
> class Questionnaire:
>     def __str__(self):
>         return 'id: %s customer_id: %s' % (, self.customer_id)
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "<Questionnaire(%s, customer_id:%s)>" % (,
> self.customer_id)
> question_types = ['yn','yn_na','label','comment']
> class Question:
>     #section = association_proxy('joinObj', 'section')
> class Section:
>     def __init__(self):
>         pass
>     def getQuestions(self, type_id):
>         '''Query for questions belonging to both this section and
> type_id'''
>         q = select([join_table.c.question_id,
>             join_table.c.ord],
> whereclause=[join_table.c.type_id==type_id,])
>         return q
> class Answer:
>     def __init__(self):
>         pass
> class CustomerPart:
>     def __init__(self):
>         pass
> sections_by_type = select(
>     [join_table.c.type_id, join_table.c.section_id],
>     group_by=[join_table.c.section_id,
> join_table.c.type_id]).alias('sections_by_type')
> questions_sections_by_tyoe = select(
>     [join_table.c.type_id, join_table.c.question_id,
> join_table.c.section_id],
>     group_by=[join_table.c.question_id, join_table.c.section_id,
> join_table.c.type_id]).alias('q_s_by_type')
> mapper(Question, questions_table)
> mapper(Section, sections_table, properties={
>     'questions'     :relation(Question, secondary=join_table,
>         primaryjoin = == join_table.c.section_id,
>         secondaryjoin = join_table.c.question_id ==
>         backref='section', order_by=join_table.c.ord),})
> mapper(CustomerPart, customer_table_part)
> mapper(Answer, answers_table, properties={
>     'question'  :relation(Question, backref='answer', uselist=False)})
> mapper(Join, join_table, properties={
>     'type'          :relation(qType),
>     'sections'      :relation(Section, backref='parent'),
>     'questions'     :relation(Question, backref='parent'),})
> mapper(qType, types_table,, properties={
>     'joinObj'       :relation(qJoin),
>     'my_sections'   :relation(Section, secondary=sections_by_type,
>         primaryjoin = == sections_by_type.c.type_id,
>         backref='type', order_by=sections_table.c.secnum),})
> mapper(Questionnaire, questionnaire_table, properties={
>     'answers'   :relation(Answer, backref='questionnaire'),
>     'type'      :relation(qType),
>     'customer'  :relation(CustomerPart, backref='questionnaires')
> })
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