I did some more research on this.

If I change back to 0.4.3, i.e. change my model to use:
##    pkg_resources.require("sqlalchemy") # get latest version
    pkg_resources.require("sqlalchemy==0.4.3") # use a specific version

Then I can debug my code, i.e. my application starts.

So, I changed it back to 0.5.beta1 and tried to find out were the 
problem "starts" in my code, it is on the following line.

        self.prefs = self.ds.query(db.prefminimal).get(1)

"prefminimal" is a "redefinition" of the "preferences" table, i.e. it 
only maps columns which are present in the preferences table regardless 
of the version of my application.

The model for it is:
metadataMin = sa.MetaData()
prefminimal_table = sa.Table(u'preferences', metadataMin,
    sa.Column(u'prefid', sa.Integer(), 
sa.Sequence('gen_preferences_prefid'), primary_key=True, nullable=False),
    sa.Column(u'fk_langid', sa.Integer(), 
sa.ForeignKey(u'language.langid'), nullable=False),
    sa.Column(u'dbstructure', sa.Integer()),
    sa.Column(u'dbdata', sa.Integer()),

class Prefminimal(OrmObject):

prefminimal = sao.mapper(Prefminimal, prefminimal_table,

All other tables (including the full version of preferences) are using 
"metadata = sa.MetaData()", instead of the "metadataMin" I use for the 
prefminimal definition.

I got this working some month ago, but maybe this is not the right way 
to go about it and it bits me now?


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