using the declarative layer tends to simplify the imports for this  
kind of thing.  Just a thought.

On Jun 24, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Matt Haggard wrote:

> In my various models, I recently noticed that I have been reusing my
> customer table as it relates to many other models.  I've been making
> CustomerPart objects in each of the model files and retyping the table
> schema and object (only including the pieces I need for that
> particular case)
> Now I'd like to have one customer model and let the other models
> access it -- rather than continually retyping everything.
> But I get this error when I break it out (this is when I try to use it
> in a controller in pylons):
>  raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Could not find table '%s' with
> which to generate a foreign key" % tname)
> InvalidRequestError: Could not find table 'customer' with which to
> generate a foreign key
> I've included a before and after (hooray for GIT) of the models:
> Thanks!
> Matt
> before (this one works)
> ----------------------------------------------------
> from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, Table, types, ForeignKey,
> func
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
> from datetime import datetime
> from formencode import validators
> from smmodels import fe_obj, NoHTML, SuperDateValidator, fe_setter
> metadata = MetaData()
> ...
> customer_table_part = Table('customer', metadata,
>    Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>    Column('email', types.Unicode, unique=True, index=True),
>    Column('validation_type', types.Unicode),
> )
> questionnaire_table = Table('saq_questionnaire', metadata,
> ...
>    Column('customer_id', types.Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> index=True),
> ...
> )
> questions_table = Table('saq_questions_new', metadata,
> ...
> )
> class Questionnaire(fe_setter):
>    def __str__(self):
>        return 'id: %s customer_id: %s' % (, self.customer_id)
>    def __repr__(self):
>        return "<Questionnaire(%s, customer_id:%s)>" % (,
> self.customer_id)
> class Question(fe_setter):
>    pass
> class CustomerPart(fe_setter):
>    def __init__(self):
>        pass
> mapper(Question, questions_table)
> mapper(CustomerPart, customer_table_part)
> mapper(Questionnaire, questionnaire_table, properties={
>    ...
>    'customer'  :relation(CustomerPart, backref='questionnaires')
> })
> after (all the same except removed references to CustomerPart
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ...
> from smmodels.customer import customer_table, Customer
> ...
> mapper(Question, questions_table)
> mapper(Questionnaire, questionnaire_table, properties={
>    ...
>    'customer'  :relation(Customer, backref='questionnaires')
> })
> after (newly created)
> ----------------------------------------------------
> from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, Table, types, ForeignKey
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
> from formencode import validators
> from smmodels import fe_obj, NoHTML, fe_setter
> from datetime import date
> metadata = MetaData()
> customer_table = Table('customer', metadata,
>    Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True, index=True),
>    Column('email', types.Unicode, unique=True, index=True),
>    Column('validation_type', types.Unicode),
> )
> class Customer(object):
>    def __init__(self):
>        pass
> mapper(Customer, customer_table)
> >

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