Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> Within my application (FB SQL) I use kinterbasdb.services to do backup
> and restore operations.
> No problem with the backup, but the restore is not working as SA seems
> to hang on to a connection.
> I do basically this to connect:
>             self.engine = db.sa.create_engine(dburl, encoding='utf8',
> echo=False)
>             self.Session = db.sao.sessionmaker()
>             self.Session.configure(bind=self.engine)
>             self.ds = self.Session()
> Then this to close:
>         self.ds.close()
>         self.Session.close_all()
>         del self.ds
>         del self.Session
>         del self.engine
> Do backup and/or restore and then reconnect to the database.
> However at this point if I pause the execution in the debugger (Boa) and
> check with e.g. IBExpert I see that the db connection from SA is still open.
> I guess it has to do with the connection pool, is there anyway to tell
> the pool to close all connections or what other options do I have?
> Werner
> P.S.
> This is with SA 0.5.beta1.
After searching through the doc and doing some googling and trial and 
error I added an engine.dispose() to the closing routine and that seems 
to do the trick.  Is this the correct approach?

New version of closing db:
        self.engine.dispose()   # added this
        del self.ds
        del self.Session
        del self.engine


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