"multisearch"... I meant, that i want to create piece of code, that
will automaticly search in all columns of a table....
So if I can use this "function" (or whatever it will be) for different
tables with no change..
for example:
I have a client(table) with address(related table one-to-one) and
persons(related table one-to-many) and make:
clients = my_function(clients_table, 'anna')
to return me all clients from database, 'anna' works in

How can I generate the "fields" in or_() statement??


On Jun 27, 3:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> what is multisearch? sort of 
> patternmatching?http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/ormtutorial.html#datamapping_queryi...
> query(A).filter( or_(
>     A.c1.startswith(),
>     A.c2.endswith(),
>     A.c3.like('%alabal%'),
>     ...
>   ))
> u can generate the arguments of or_(...)
> On Friday 27 June 2008 16:12:57 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I want to do robust algorithm for searching in tables...the
> > simplest example is with table with no relations:
> > stmt = u'SELECT * FROM '
> > stmt += str(b.clients.name)
> > stmt += ' WHERE '
> > for c in b.Client.c:
> >   stmt += str(c)+' like \'%value%\' or '
> > clients = session.query(Client).from_statement(stmt).all()
> > There is one big problem using the '%' sign, because python is
> > using it to replace values in string like:
> > 'Welcom %s to my site' % 'john'
> > Afterwards I want to search in tables with relations, like:
> > session.query(Client).add_entity(Address)......
> > Can anyone help me with this problem?
> > What is the sqlalchemy way to make "multisearch" ??
> > Thx in advance
> > m_ax
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