alex bodnaru wrote:
> hi friends,
> i wish to insert some initial data in a few management tables (like 
> applications
> groups, roles etc).
> is there a way to register dml to be done after create_all ends?
> i'd specifically like it to happen after the entire ddl dust reaches the 
> ground.

MetaData and Tables emit DDL events that you can listen for with

Here's an example insert-after-CREATE function from the SA test suite:

def fixture(table, columns, *rows):
    """Insert data into table after creation."""
    def onload(event, schema_item, connection):
        insert = table.insert()
        column_names = [col.key for col in columns]
                           [dict(zip(column_names, column_values))
                            for column_values in rows])
    table.append_ddl_listener('after-create', onload)

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