SA version? sql dialect? what's table definition?

On Thursday 03 July 2008 14:43:44 Marin wrote:
> I use the following code:
> query = meta.Session.query(db.Object)
> all_objects = [1,2,3]
> objects = query.filter(db.Object.ObjectID.in_(*all_objects)).all()
> And I get this error:
> SADeprecationWarning: passing in_ arguments as varargs is
> deprecated, in_ takes a single argument that is a sequence or a
> selectable
> Am I doing something wrong? Because without the *
> objects = query.filter(db.Object.ObjectID.in_(all_objects)).all()
> It throws another error:
> ProgrammingError('(ProgrammingError) operator does not exist:
> bigint = integer[]
> LINE 3: WHERE "Object"."ObjectD" = ARRAY[1, 3] HINT: No operator
> matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add
> explicit type casts.

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