Hi everybody,

I am working on my graduate (final :)) exam, and SQLAlchemy is main

I was tryinig example from ORM tutorial:

>>> from sqlalchemy import select, func
>>> session.query(User).from_statement(
...     select(
...            [users_table],
...    ).all()
[<User('wendy','Wendy Williams', 'foobar')>]

And this looks too ugly for me, and not only that, I think that it is
not O.K. to use table and columns in ORM (at least I should have an
alternative way doing it without table and column objects).

So I tried something this (in my example User is Client):

>>> session.query(Client).from_statement(
...     select(
...         [Client],
...         select([func.max(Client.name)]).label('max_name') ==
... ).all()

but, it is not working, the problem is in first argument of select.

Then I tried Client.c as first argument, but without success.

Only this works:

>>> session.query(Client).from_statement(
...     select(
...         Client.c._data.values(),
...         select([func.max(Client.name)]).label('max_name') ==
... ).all()

but it is so ugly hack.

Is it some better way of doing this?

Sorry for my bad English :)

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