can u elaborate more on the C level programming?
what are the bottleneck/s that can be redone in C?
maybe i can help there.

On Friday 11 July 2008 18:26:59 Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2008, at 5:19 AM, Henk wrote:
> > What we see here is that  of the total of 5.965 seconds, the test
> > spend only about 0.585 seconds performing the actual SQL querys,
> > or about 10% of the total time. The other 90% of the time we are
> > spending on SA overhead (except for the line which is
> > somewhere in the MySQLdb driver).
> >
> > If I look at the cummulative output of the profiler (ommitted for
> > brevity) I see for instance that SA spends 1.3 seconds compiling
> > the SQL expressions (it apparently recompiles the same SQL
> > expression on each iteration).
> >
> > My question to the SA community would be how much ORM overhead do
> > you find acceptable? and how does SA compare to for instance to
> > java's Hibernate in this regard or other ORM solutions?
> As far as Hibernate, I work quite a bit with Hibernate and am
> currently creating an almost exact port of a Java/Hibernate
> application using Pylons and SQLAlchemy.   My observation is that
> SQLAlchemy is probably a little slower on execution overhead, but
> is faster when fetching large numbers of rows.  Your test is very
> much focused on single execution speed.
> The funny thing is, the SQLAlchemy version of the application
> overall is *much* faster than the Hibernate version, simply because
> SQLAlchemy knows how to issue a lot fewer queries to get something
> done.   The main example is loading a list of A, each of which has
> a relation to B and then a relation to C - you need to display a
> slice of the "A" table (using LIMIT/OFFSET) as well as all the B's
> and C's.
> This is probably the most common operation one needs to do with an
> ORM, and Hibernate quite simply cannot do this efficiently - see
> "It should be also obvious why resultset row-based "limit"
> operations, such as setFirstResult(5) and setMaxResults(10) do not
> work with these kind of eager fetch queries. If you limit the
> resultset to a certain number of rows, you cut off data randomly.
> One day Hibernate might be smart enough to know that if you call
> setFirstResult() or
> setMaxResults() it should not use a join, but a second SQL SELECT.
> Try it, your version of Hibernate might already be smart enough. If
> not, write two queries, one for limiting stuff, the other for eager
> fetching."
> As it turns out, SQLAlchemy was "smart enough" to do this correctly
> from day one (though I'm not currently aware of any other ORM that
> does this).  When querying for rows with a limit/offset in
> conjunction with eager joins, SQLA wraps the limited results in a
> subquery, and applies the eager joins to that subquery.   The
> efficiency of the query is much greater than what you'd get with
> Hibernate since the outer joins are against only a small slice of
> the total rows, and of course you get the correct results back, and
> there's no need to fall back to a second per-child-object query,
> which I've found nearly impossible to prevent Hibernate from doing
> in many cases.   SQLA is very good at not "dropping back" into lazy
> loading when eager loads are requested.     Because of reasons like
> this, most Hibernate applications speed up significantly when
> converted to SQLAlchemy, since you'll almost certainly see at least
> a few areas where Hibernate issued a few hundred queries that SQLA
> issues only one.
> SQLA's very dynamic generation of queries is also a reason we don't
> rely upon caching of the "compiled" form of a SQL query by default
> - the complexity and memory overhead of doing so would negate any
> speed improvements.   While statement compilation adds some
> overhead, its not really the primary overhead during normal
> operation; fetching rows and converting to object instances, along
> with the associated bookkeeping, is where most time gets spent.  
> In your own application, you can cache the "compiled" form of a SQL
> query by using
> statement.compile() and use it in conjunction with an ORM query
> (via instances()), if there's a particular critical section in
> which you're trying to optimize; but I think you'll find the
> aggregate time savings (versus just issuing one less query) are
> marginal.
> If you're still skeptical of the overhead of statement compilation,
> see one very high capacity website which uses it regularly,
> .   In their recently released source code,
> you can see at
> that
> they are using a SQLAlchemy "select()" construct, built fresh on
> each request and compiled, at the base of their SQL database
> library.  A few hundred function calls here are not the issue; 
> it's the fact that *any* SQL at all is issued which places a burden
> on the application.  So Reddit scales the way any website has to
> scale; by adding processing power horizontally both at the database
> level and at the webserver level, and by applying a second level
> caching solution (more on this below).
> > I would love to help out trying to reduce this overhead, but I
> > have no idea what the SA devs have in mind for the future of SA
> > with regard to speed (e.g. speed vs. feature completeness). In
> > the tutorials and documentation there is currently a strong
> > emphasis on use cases highlighting the very dynamic nature of
> > building complex queries using SA's ORM tools. Not so much on how
> > to perform simple (and static) queries fast using the ORM.
> > Maybe there is a way to meoize the results of the compile step so
> > that this does not need to be redone all the time while the Query
> > remains the same?.
> Well in your test, you are clearing the Session on each iteration. 
> If you weren't doing that, then the object you loaded would be
> pulled straight from the Session each time, so in that case the
> "memoization" is already complete.   Similarly, a Query issued for
> any number of rows runs much faster when the resulting objects are
> already present in the Session since they do not need to be
> re-created or populated again.
> For a more general form of "memoization" of queries and their
> results, what you're looking for is a second level cache. 
> Hibernate suppllies a 2nd level caching solution but SQLAlchemy
> currently does not, although simple ones are fairly straightforward
> to create based on a product such as Memcached, or even just
> well-maintained dicts.   Any database-driven application which
> needs very high performing display of data requires a second level
> cache of some kind, whether or not an ORM is used;  while SQLA does
> not have a built in solution to the second level caching problem,
> it also didn't create the issue.
> Overall, the issue of performance within SQLAlchemy has been
> addressed exhaustively and continues to be on a daily basis; at
> this point, the path to further speedups lies along two avenues -
> one is that we constantly review the code and find small
> incremental gains to be made; in particular we've squeezed out
> 10-20% more speed in SQLA 0.5 versus 0.4.  We have performance
> tests in our test suite which run through a full battery of SQL and
> ORM operations, ensuring that funciton call counts fall within an
> expected range
> (
>ling/ for example).
> The other avenue in which we are very interested is applying native
> extensions to SQLA at key performance areas.  Two that we have in
> mind are result set processing and attribute instrumentation.  This
> is a longer road to travel (in particular since we are in need of a
> C developer with some time to kill) but hopefully we'll get a
> resource for this.   There is another ORM called Storm which is in
> the process of creating C extensions for their own product (the
> development of which is fully funded by Storm's parent company
> Canonical, a luxury SQLAlchemy unfortunately does not have), so
> that's something else you might want to check out.   A comparison
> of SQLAlchemy and Storm's speeds (with the pre-C-extension version
> of Storm) is at , where you'll see
> that Storm is generally a little faster than SQLA but SQLA loads
> large numbers of rows more quickly (note that 0.5 is even faster
> than the 0.4 tested in that post).  I'm very satisfied with those
> results since SQLA is philosophically more feature rich than Storm,
> yet the speed of both products (sans any native extensions) are not
> very different.
> In general, as long as speed is "decent", our users don't have any
> issues with it.    For this reason, while the C-based extension
> route would be helpful, it's not a super-burning issue either.  
> Any web application, no matter what platform it's running on, is
> scaled up to higher capacity through second level caching and via
> the addition of more processing support horizontally.   There's
> plenty of applications running SQLAlchemy, SQLObject, Storm, etc.
> at this point, all of which introduce significant overhead versus
> raw SQL, and in general they don't seem to be falling over.

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