well, yet another, wellcome to the pack...
have a look at (my) dbcook.
either on pypi or direct svn co 
or even more things at

my opinion on validation is:
 a) validation and default_values / auto-setup are same thing - or 
different sides of one thing
 b) there are many levels of validation, with their own semantics, at 
different points in a workflow, and they _can not_ be expressed all 
at same place in same way, although most of the job can be done in 

now on your question, i tell you what i have as i've asked it some 
time ago here.
i have a (non-mandatory) db-manager class that takes care of anything 
runtime db-related (engine, db, sessions, etc), and that one has a 
method .save_all( somenamespace_or_list_here). Which serves as "these 
things should go into db _now_"
There i check if the objects have a .pre_save() method/s and eventualy 
call that one.
Then, on the app-level objects, i have a .validate() and 
the .pre_save() which calls that one, as well as other things.

here the workflow:
 - 1) user interaction starts (e.g. some dialog open etc)
 - 2) for immediate interaction (field-by-field, not-whole form), user 
changes this or that field, and some validations happen (one field or 
multiple fields, think a,b,c where a+b=c)
 - 3) end of user-interaction (e.g. OK/save button pressed)
 - 4) dialog/form level validation, can throw or return error-list or 
 - 5) all primary-level things changed between 1) and 4) go 
into .save_all
 - 6) it will execute the pre_save which will execute the 
object's.validate, and that can throw exceptions/return 
 - 7) do session.add() and session.flush()

the point of this hook into the workflow is before sa.session comes 
into play. it works well but is not solving everything:
 * plus: u can add more objects to be saved or unchange/refuse objects 
or whatever - as this is before sa.session knows about them
 * minus: relations/references that are indirectly pulled into being 
saved, are not known to it and their pre_save/validate will not be 
  * todo it, one can start walking around properties and check this 
and that but i dont do it (yet?) as this seems to duplicate session.* 
  * or, move certain validations on different/deeper/narrower level

There is another level of hook: a SessionExtension.before_flush()
if u want, check a post "sessionExtension" by me from 12.may.
 * pluses:
   * u know what is modified and whats not
   * most (relational) dependencies are available but not all
 * minus:
   * u cannot change flush-plan, i.e. any structural changes done here 
will be left for next flush() - no adding objects or changing 
unchanged objects or unchanging changed objects 

and there is another point, mapperExtension/before_insert:
 * plus: 
   * everything is there, foreign keys, references, anything
 * less things can be changed

plus two more, outside of ORM: column-defaults/onupdate and 
inside-db-triggers or similar.

so there are, what, 5-6 levels of hooks (inside user-interaction, 
after interaction before session - dialog scope, after-that - "what's 
saved" scope, before session.flush, before mapper.insert, before 
column.insert, trigger), and each one has its pluses and minuses. 
frankly, i havenot decided what to choose, still experimenting - will 
probably expose most of them as obj-level-hooks and let the users 
(which is so far only me team) decide.
for example, i hit a problem with missing timestamps on related 
indirect items, and first solved it by manualy adding a 
mapper.before_insert hook calling same .pre_save, but then moved them 
further into column-defaults.

ciao and have fun

On Saturday 12 July 2008 16:40:12 kindly wrote:
> I have just started working on "another" kind of declarative layer
> for SQLalchemy. Infact it is more like a domain specific language
> for setting up basic form orientated databases for small charities
> in order to provide viable alternative to Access for simple
> information storage needs.  The details of which I will not go into
> now.
> My approach for validation is to have a function within each ORM
> object, say obj.validate().  This goes off checks external metadata
> (not sqlalchemy metadata) and runs the checks on that object using
> formencode. If the form is a different to the database fields (say
> composite inputs) the object holds the inputs and can validate both
> these and the actual parameter they create (useful for unique
> validations).  I will not use the full power of formencode scemas
> but will use them for composite validations within a form.  I will
> then collect all the validation errors from all the validators and
> return them to the controller.
> I have overwritten the Sessions session.add method to perform these
> checks so as not flush until there are no validation errors, and if
> there are, return a dict of the errors for the controller.
> I just want to know if anyone can think of any reasons that this is
> a terrible idea, based on a clearer understanding of sqlalchemy orm
> objects then myself? as to me unless something particuarly
> mysterious happens to the objects, or the session will break in
> some way if you override add, it should be fine.

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