Morning Guys,


I'm looking to build a uniform method for getting/creating instance of my
objects from the database. At the moment I've been using
query(SomeObject).get(object_id) to return the objects from the DB, however,
it would be really great if there were a method which always returned a
result, so, if I pass in an id of '354' to the get() method and no record
with that ID exists in the database, then it just returns a new empty
instance of the SomeObject class with the id set to 354.


Does such a method exist on the ORM? If not then how would you go about
doing so?


I came about to this way of thinking when I've been having problems
instantiating my own instances of classes which are decoratively mapped to
the database. So if I try to create a new instance of a class like so:


Import SomeObject


New_insatnce = SomeObject.SomeObject(354)


Then I get an error thrown about how I'm not able to assign a str value to
attributes which are expecting a mapped instance, presumably a relationship.


Am I thinking straight here? Or does SQLAlchemy have a separate method for
creating new clean instances of its objects?





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