Hi Michael

2008/7/18 Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Jul 18, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Ryan Tracey wrote:
>> sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchTableError: manufacturer
>> Just to sum up:
>> dbengine = create_engine('mysql://u:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/schema1')
>> meta = MetaData()
>> meta.bind = dbengine
>> Table('tableX', meta, autoload=True)
>> ...
>> Table('tableA', meta, autoload=True, schema='schema2')
>> Table('tableB', meta, autoload=True, schema='schema2')
>> tableX is okay, and tableA loads okay too. However tableB has a FK
>> referencing tableA. Bang! I get a NoSuchTableError for tableA.
>> I'll try get some ipython output. Or figure out how pdb works.
> its likely mysql reflection doesn't yet know how to reflect cross-
> schema foreign keys.  put up a trac ticket with a short test case.

Will do.

(Sorry for the late reply. Just moved house and still waiting for
phone/adsl line to be installed.)


Ryan Tracey
Citizen: The World

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