On Jul 22, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Jul 22, 2:23 pm, Philip Semanchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm new to SqlAlchemy.
>> I'm trying to implement saved searches, like a mail program folder
>> that says, "Show me all emails received yesterday", or "All emails
>> with 'grail' in the subject". One wrinkle is that my application
>> permits user-supplied extensions, so I need to be able to define  
>> saved
>> searches that involve arbitrary objects/tables that I didn't code.
>> This is where I think SqlAlchemy can come to my rescue. Extension
>> modules will be required to define their own mappers and I'll be able
>> to use those maps to query the objects without knowing much about  
>> them
>> in advance.
>> Assuming I have code that creates a sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query object
>> that describes the search I want to save, I can (almost) create a
>> saved search via str(the_query.statement). I don't know where to find
>> the parameters to that query, though. Can someone point me in the
>> right direction? Obviously once I have the SQL + parameters it's not
>> hard to save them a table somewhere.
>> If anyone has done this type of thing before and has a better
>> solution, I'm be happy to hear it. Storing SQL in the database seems
>> inelegant, but if I'm to support searches on arbitrary objects/ 
>> tables,
>> I don't see a better solution.
> the binds for any SQL expression are present if you say
> statement.compile().params.  There's a little bit on this in the
> tutorial at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/sqlexpression.html#sql_insert

Got it, thanks.

> The downside of storing SQL in the DB is that you're bound to an exact
> SQL dialect as well as table structure.   A higher level concept of
> stored "filters" and such would alleviate that issue but is more
> complicated to implement.  Might be worth thinking about though.   
> User-
> defined extensions would also have to provide information regarding
> their "filters" too.  ("user-defined extension" is a vague term so its
> not clear at what level these extensions are created, how strict of an
> API/sandbox they have, etc).

Thanks for your thoughts, and for SqlAlchemy.

In our app, SQLite has big advantages over other databases so I don't  
mind deepening our ties to it. It won't be going away anytime soon.  
Being bound to a specific table structure is indeed less appealing and  
that's my main objection to my proposed solution. As you point out, a  
higher level filter concept would provide a layer of abstraction and  
insulation against schema changes. To that end, I tried pickling a  
Query object but it didn't seem to like it ("Can't pickle <class  
'sqlalchemy.orm.properties.ColumnComparator'>: it's not found as  
sqlalchemy.orm.properties.ColumnComparator") which is OK. That was a  
shot in the dark, and I'm not sure it would be any wiser than just  
storing raw SQL.


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