> The way you have it, a concurrent thread can easily interrupt the
> ScopedSession instance attached to "meta" and replace with a new one,
> with the old one being lost.

Ouch, that would be no good. Thank goodness my prod env aint really
prod yet.
Thank you for your help again. Much appreciated.


On Aug 18, 3:13 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2008, at 5:08 AM, Alen Ribic wrote:
> > sql.py
> > ====================================
> > class SQLAlchemyMiddleware(object):
> >    """
> >    Middleware for providing clean SQLAlchemy Session objects for each
> > Request.
> >    """
> >    def __init__(self, application):
> >        self.application = application
> >        self.__engine = None
> >    def get_engine(self):
> >        if self.__engine is None:
> >            self.__engine = create_engine(
> >                settings.SQLALCHEMY_DEFAULT_URL,
> >                pool_recycle=3600,
> >                pool_size=20,
> >                echo_pool=True
> >            )
> >        return self.__engine
> >    def init_model(self, engine):
> >        """Call before using any of the tables or classes in the
> > model."""
> >        sm = orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=True, transactional=True,
> > bind=engine)
> >        meta.engine = engine
> >        meta.Session = orm.scoped_session(sm)
> >    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
> >        try:
> >            engine = self.get_engine()
> >            self.init_model(engine)
> >            return self.application(environ, start_response)
> >        finally:
> >            if meta.Session is not None:
> >                meta.Session.remove()
> The big mistake here is creating a brand new ScopedSession on each
> request.  This is not how ScopedSession was intended to be used; its
> created, like Engine, once per application.  Some details on this
> pattern are here:
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/session.html#unitofwork_contextual_...
> The way you have it, a concurrent thread can easily interrupt the
> ScopedSession instance attached to "meta" and replace with a new one,
> with the old one being lost.
> Here's a more reasonable approach:
> class SQLAlchemyMiddleware(object):
>     def __init__(self, application):
>         self.application = application
>         meta.engine = create_engine(
>                settings.SQLALCHEMY_DEFAULT_URL,
>                pool_recycle=3600,
>                pool_size=20,
>                echo_pool=True
>            )
>          meta.Session =
> orm.scoped_session(orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=True, transactional=True,
>      bind=meta.engine))
>     def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
>         try:
>             return self.application(environ, start_response)
>         except:
>             meta.Session.rollback()
>             raise
>         finally:
>             meta.Session.remove()>>
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