On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 07:48:20AM -0700, Alex Mathieu wrote:
> F*ck... I just realized that I was using  MyISAM table engine...
> here's the deal then... I cannot use InnoDB for this projet so.... I
> think I will be writing some recursive code that can determine if an
> object has childs dependencies and will delete the proper objects....
> thanks again =)

I posted this on the ML a while ago - one of the SA devs suggested a use case
for it would be your current situation so here it is again. Let me know if you
use it and have any problems.

def delete_cascade(orm_obj):
    """Perform a cascading delete on any ORM object and its children."""
# Since we take an ORM _object_, we need to discover its table:
    obj_table = class_mapper(type(orm_obj)).mapped_table
    def get_child_tables(parent_table, children=[]):
        """Recursively find all child tables."""
        new_children = []
# Use SQLAlchemy's table_iterator reversed to give us the tables in the
# correct order to ensure that we can delete without breaking any constraints
# (i.e. we will not delete a parent before its child:
        for table in obj_table.metadata.table_iterator(reverse=True):
            for fk in table.foreign_keys:
                if fk.references(parent_table) and \
                (table, fk, parent_table) not in children:
                    new_children.append((table, fk, parent_table))
# If no new children are found we have reached the top of the recursion so we
# fall back down the stack:
        if not new_children:
            return []
            for child in new_children:
# Here is the recursive call:
            return children
    _children = get_child_tables(obj_table)
    children = []
# This loop filters out any tables who have more than one foreign key where one
# of the foreign keys references the root node so we have no duplicates. The
# result is a list of tables that reference either the root node or their
# parent:
    for child in _children:
        if child[0] not in [x[0] for x in children]:
        elif child[1].references(obj_table):
            for i, _child in enumerate(children):
                if _child[0] == child[0]:
                    children[i] = child
# This is a rare-case optimisation that sees if any of the tables reference the
# root node indirectly by having a foreign key whose counterpart is a direct
# reference to the root node:
    for child in children:
        table, fk, parent_table = child
        if not fk.references(obj_table):
            parent_fk = fk.column.foreign_key
            while parent_fk is not None:
                if parent_fk.references(obj_table):
                    obj_column = (
                parent_fk = parent_fk.column.foreign_key
# Finally build a select for grandchildren or later to establish which records
# need to be removed by seeing which of their parent's records are ancestors of
# the root node:
            if parent_fk is None:
                sel = select([fk.parent])
                parent_fk = fk.column.foreign_key
                while parent_fk is not None:
                    tmp = parent_fk.column.foreign_key
                    if tmp is not None:
                        parent_fk = tmp
                obj_column = (
                    parent_fk.column==getattr(orm_obj, obj_column)
                in_column = fk.column.key
                yield delete(
# Otherwise simply yield a delete statement to delete the first-generation
# child of the root node:
            obj_column = fk.column.key
        yield delete(
            fk.parent==getattr(orm_obj, obj_column)
# Build the delete statement for the root node itself by introspectively
# discovering the primary keys of the root node's table and deleting a 
# single record from this table (i.e. the root node):
    pk = [getattr(orm_obj, x) for x in obj_table.primary_key.keys()]
    pk_cols = [x for x in obj_table.c if x.primary_key]
    cond = pk[0] == pk_cols[0]
    for x, y in zip(pk[1:], pk_cols[1:]):
        if x and y:
            cond &= x == y
    yield delete(

Bob Farrell
pH, an Experian Company
Office Line: 020 7598 0310
Fax: 020 7598 0311

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