I've been trying to profile why loading a single table from remote
ORACLE DB takes more then 5 seconds.
Here is some numbers:

create engine 0.0740728378296
engine.connect 2.05604815483
SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='ZZZ'
get tables 0.18466091156
Loading 'triggerpathdescription' table
Load tables manually ['triggerpathdescription']
load table 5.85950708389

It looks like SQLAlchemy takes 25 fetchone calls in order to autoload
table, but I tweak a code for ORACLE engine to use fetchmany and just
slighly reduced the total time. To me it's WAY to long and as far as I
can tell it internals of building foreign-key relationships. So I
wonder if there is a way to speed up such auto load.

I'm attaching a simple test code below.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sqlalchemy,types,sys,os,time

def loadTables(tableNames):
    for tName in tableNames:
        t = tName[0].lower().split(".")[-1]
        print "Loading '%s' table"%t
        print time.time()-t1

    print "Load tables manually",tables.keys()

schema = 'ZZZ'
t1 = time.time()
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('oracle://
XXX:[EMAIL PROTECTED]',strategy='threadlocal',threaded=True)
print "create engine",time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()

con = engine.connect()

print "engine.connect",time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()
dbMeta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
dbMeta.bind = engine

idx = 0
query="SELECT table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='%s'"%schema
print query
print "get tables",time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()


print "load table",time.time()-t1
t1 = time.time()

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