Hi Mr. Bayer,

On Aug 29, 10:10 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Mike wrote:
> > If I use pymssql instead, it works. As I understand it, SA should be
> > using pymssql anyway, so I don't know why this is happening. I can
> > cast the unicode to a string, so it's not a big deal. However, I
> > thought someone might want to know that this is happening.
> without a sample of the code and schema in use, we can't say for sure  
> what the issue is.   Are you making usage of the Unicode type at least ?

Since I am autoloading, I didn't know I could use the Unicode type to
override what was reflected. How do I do that?

There's only so much I can give being that I'm talking about
accounting data, but here's a sample that should work:


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Float, Integer
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, String, Table, Unicode
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker

class Acct_Prefs(object):
    ''' Table object for tbl_Acct_Prefs '''
    def __init__(self, empID, pref_name, pref_value):
        self.empID = empID
        self.pref_name = pref_name
        self.pref_value = pref_value

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Acct_Prefs ('%s', '%s', '%s')>" % (self.empID,

class TimeEntries(object):
    ''' Table object for tbl_TimeEntries '''
    def __init__(self, dateworked, empid, reg, ot, ce,
                 hol, sklv, vac, ct, conv, misc,
        self.dateworked = dateworked
        self.empid = empid
        self.reg = reg
        self.ot = ot
        self.ce = ce
        self.hol = hol
        self.sklv = sklv
        self.vac = vac
        self.ct = ct
        self.conv = conv
        self.misc = misc
        self.comments = comments

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<TimeEntries ('%s', '%s')>" % (self.dateworked,

# Connect to the database
print 'connecting to MCISAccounting DB...'
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///sample.db')
metadata = MetaData(engine)

# Load the tables
print 'loading tables...'
prefs_table = Table('tbl_Acct_Prefs', metadata,
                    Column('empID', String(5), primary_key=True),
                    Column('pref_name', String(50), primary_key=True,
                    Column('pref_value', String(50), nullable=False)

entry_table = Table('tbl_TimeEntries', metadata,
                    Column('dateworked', String(10),
                    Column('empid', Integer, primary_key=True,
                    Column('reg', Float),
                    Column('ot', Float),
                    Column('ce', Float),
                    Column('hol', Float),
                    Column('sklv', Float),
                    Column('vac', Float),
                    Column('ct', Float),
                    Column('conv', Float),
                    Column('misc', Float),


# Map the tables
print 'mapping tables...'
mapper(TimeEntries, entry_table)
mapper(Acct_Prefs, prefs_table)

# Create a session object
print 'creating session...'
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

prefOne = Acct_Prefs(258, 'last_payPeriod', 2)


That should get it to look as similar as possible to the state the SQL
Server is in. Now here's where I get the issue. I do the following

pref = self.session.query(Acct_Prefs).filter_by(empID=258,

and then I do the following where someValue happens to be a unicode

pref.pref_value = someValue

> > Oh, and I use autoload to load my Table() objects. I'm not sure if
> > that's significant or not though. I am also using a session.commit()
> > to get the error above.
> You might want to enable convert_unicode=True on your Engine, or  
> override the specific columns requiring unicode compatibility with the  
> Unicode type.  String columns are reflected by default without unicode  
> awareness.

This might work. I'll give it a whirl anyway. I hope my code sample
makes sense and isn't too ugly. I'm still pretty green with your cool
ORM and SQL in general.

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