Thanks Michael,

That worked great.  I guess I missed that inheriting mappers don't
need a table/selectable/join to map to.

By the way, congrats on a great project.  Your attention and effort
are clear in every aspect (including the unheard-of speed of support)!

On Sep 6, 3:04 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maps to explicit joins are in any case going to integrate poorly with  
> the joins created by SQLA's inheritance functionality.  But in this  
> case, no imitation of SQLA's join is needed:
> orm.mapper(Lab, inherits=Group,
>     polymorphic_identity=u"group_lab",
> )
> On Sep 6, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Jason Yamada-Hanff wrote:
> > mport sqlalchemy as sa
> > from sqlalchemy import types as t
> > from sqlalchemy import orm
> > engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
> > metadata = sa.MetaData()
> > agents = sa.Table('agents', metadata,
> >    sa.Column('id', t.Integer,
> >        sa.Sequence('agents_id_seq', optional=True),
> > primary_key=True),
> >    sa.Column('type', t.Unicode(50),
> >        sa.CheckConstraint("type IN ('agent', 'person', 'group',
> > 'group_org', \
> >                'group_lab', 'group_contactlist')"), nullable=False),
> >    sa.Column('notes', t.UnicodeText),
> > )
> > groups = sa.Table('groups', metadata,
> >    sa.Column('id', t.Integer, unique=True),
> >    sa.Column('short_name', t.Unicode(50)),
> >    sa.Column('name', t.Unicode(255), nullable=False),
> >    sa.Column('group_status', t.Unicode(50),
> >        sa.CheckConstraint("group_status IN ('active', 'not active',
> > 'closed')"),
> >            default=u'active', nullable=False),
> >    sa.Column('description', t.UnicodeText),
> >    sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'),
> >    sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['id'], [''],
> >        onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE")
> > )
> > class Agent(object):
> >    pass
> > class Group(Agent):
> >    pass
> > class Lab(Group):
> >    pass
> > def map_agent_classes():
> >    orm.mapper(Agent, agents,
> >        polymorphic_on=agents.c.type,
> >        polymorphic_identity=u"agent",
> >        )
> >    orm.mapper(Group, groups,
> >        inherits=Agent,
> >        polymorphic_identity=u"group",
> >        )
> >    lab_select =
> > agents.outerjoin(groups).select(agents.c.type==u'group_lab',\
> >            use_labels=True).alias('labs')
> >    orm.mapper(Lab, lab_select,
> >        inherits=Group,
> >        polymorphic_identity=u"group_lab",
> >    )
> > map_agent_classes()
> > metadata.create_all(engine)
> > Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> > sess = Session()
> > lab = Lab()
> > = u"Lab Name"
> > lab.short_name = u"lab"
> > sess.add(lab)
> > sess.flush()

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