Michael Bayer schrieb:
> On Sep 8, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>> But it fails with
>>   raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
>> connection_invalidated=is_disconnect)
>> OperationalError: (OperationalError) unrecognized token: ":" ...
> text() treats :name as a bind parameter, so you'd have to escape the  
> ":" using a backslash "\:\:float".    you might have a cleaner  
> expression if you use a string just for the column expression itself  
> (also the bind param escaping wouldn't occur):
> select 
> ([literal_column 
> ("count(*)::float")]).where(questions.c.id==at.c.question_id)

This does fail with the same error - the :: isn't properly recognized. I 
tried to escape as you said:

                            and_(at.c.question_id == qt.c.id)).as_scalar()

but this is the result:


OperationalError: (OperationalError) unrecognized token: "\".

>> Additonally, I'd of course prefer to formulate the subqueries using SA
>> as well - but that fails as I can't divide selects.
> a select marked as "as_scalar()" should be usable in a division  
> equation:
>  >>> from sqlalchemy import *
>  >>> s = select([1]).as_scalar()
>  >>> s2 = select([2]).as_scalar()
>  >>> print s / s2
> (SELECT 1) / (SELECT 2)
>  >>>

That works, great! One question: How can I influence the column-name 
generated for the scalar expressions? I want to use them in the 


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