I ran into a similar issue using MySQL-python-1.2.1_p2-1 (mysqldb)
with SA 0.4.2p3-1.

might shed some more light on this issue which might be a double
encoding problem?

Here is the subset of relevant keyword arguments we use with that
particular database driver in create_engine:

create_engine_kwargs = {
    'encoding': 'utf-8',
    'connect_args': {
        'use_unicode': False,
        'charset': 'utf8',

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Jürgen Hauptmann
> Hi
> Im using utf-8 in my mysql tables. If i insert a String with German
> Umlaute like Ü it is converted to Ãœ in the database, it ist returned as
> Ü. - What can i do that this will be correctly saved?
> my connection looks like this:
> engine = create_engine('mysql://xxx:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test123', echo=False,
> pool_size=30, pool_recycle=3600)
> use_unicode, or the other Parameters doesn't work for me.
> the table definition looks like this:
> raum_table = Table('raum', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('objekt.id'),primary_key=True),
>    Column('name', Unicode(100)),
>    Column('anzahl', Integer),
>    Column('raumbezeichnung', Integer),
>    Column('raumtyp', Integer),
>    Column('siedlungstyp', Integer),
>    Column('gebaeude', Unicode(200)),
>    Column('gebaeudeteil', Unicode(200)),
>    Column('fundstelle', Unicode(200)),
>    Column('befundgattung', Integer),
>    Column('befund', Unicode(200)),
>    Column('orttyp', Integer),
>    Column('ort', Integer)
> )
> the mapper looks like this:
> mapper(Raum, raum_table,
>    inherits=Objekt, polymorphic_identity='raum',
>    properties={
>        'personen':relation(Person, secondary = person_raum_table),
>        'handlungen':relation(Handlung, secondary = raum_handlung_table),
>        'objekte':relation(WObjekt, secondary = wobjekt_raum_table),
>        'eigenschaften' : relation(Eigenschaft, secondary =
> eigenschaft_raum_table)
>    }
> )
> >

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