Thanks for the pointer.  I must have read over that 100 times and
missed the contains part.  I've managed to put this together:
games =
        models.Game.scores.any(models.Score.player == player)).all())

Unfortunately, with ~6000 games, where the specified user has played
~4000 of them, it takes roughly 45 seconds to issue that query:
time curl "http://localhost:8080/chart/win_average?
Solon played 4195 games.
real    0m44.656s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.008s

As you can see I've attempted to eagerload the scores but that doesn't
seem to help much.  I tried to eagerload the players as well but I
can't get that syntax to work.  I tried specifying lazy = False in my
Columns in the models, but I don't know if that takes effect after the
database has already been created.

Does anyone have advice for speeding this query up?

On Sep 21, 4:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> see 
> thesehttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/ormtutorial.html#datamapping_joins_...
> On Sunday 21 September 2008 20:04:02 Gabe wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I'm somewhat new to database design, so if I've set things up in an
> > incompatible or silly manner please let me know.  I have the
> > following tables:
> > class Player(Base):
> >    __tablename__ = "players"
> >    # Stuff about a player.
> > class
> > Game(Base):
> >   """A class that holds information about a single
> > game."""
> >   __tablename__ =
> > "games"
> >   #
> > Columns
> >   id = Column(Integer, primary_key =
> > True)
> >   board =
> > Column(Binary)
> >   match_length =
> > Column(Float)
> >   date_added = Column(DateTime, default =
> > datetime.datetime.now)
> > class
> > Score(Base):
> >   """A class that holds a player's score for a
> > game."""
> >   __tablename__ =
> > "scores"
> >   #
> > Columns:
> >   id = Column(Integer, primary_key =
> > True)
> >   game_id = Column(Integer,
> > ForeignKey("games.id"))
> >   player_id = Column(Integer,
> > ForeignKey("players.id"))
> >   score =
> > Column(Integer)
> >   #
> > Relations:
> >   game = relation(Game, backref =
> > backref("scores"))
> >   player =
> > relation(Player)
> >   # Back
> > References:
> >   # "game" which points to the game for this object.
> > I'd like to figure out how to count the wins and losses for a
> > player. I was thinking something along these lines:
> > player = session.query(Player).filter(Player.name ==
> > playername).one() games_containing_player =
> > session.query(Game).filter(player in Game.scores.player).all()
> > But that pretty obviously doesn't work.  Should I have designed
> > this set up differently?  Right now the only thing I've come up
> > with, (which seems to think the player is in every game as well
> > which is wrong) and is really really slow, is:
> > Get the player.
> >     player = session.query(models.Player).filter(sqlalchemy.and_(
> >         models.Player.owner == user,
> >         models.Player.name == playername,
> >         models.Player.version == version)).one()
> >     if not player:
> >       return "Not a valid player."
> >     # Compute the player's win/loss list.
> >     win_loss = []
> >     games = session.query(models.Game).all()
> >     def had_player(game):
> >       for score in game.scores:
> >         if score.player == player:
> >           return True
> >       return False
> >     filter(had_player, games)
> >     return "%s played %d games." % (player.name, len(games))
> > Thanks for the advice,
> > Gabe
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