Hello Matt, this should help:

you are using many-to-many relationship,  (book_author_table - is your
association table)
please read this first:


After what you can turn to


to make the setup even easier.

It should answer your question,

On Sep 21, 10:53 pm, mattmiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> greetings,
> i don't seem to be able to figure out how to map an input dictionary
> to
> my objects. specifically, i am trying to map a dictionary with inut
> values to my session objects. somewhat stylized, using a non-
> declarative approach:
> book_table = Table('test_book', meta,
>     Column(u'id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column(u'title', Unicode(255)),
>     mysql_engine='InnoDB')
> author_table = Table('test_author', meta,
>     Column(u'id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column(u'first_name', Unicode(255)),
>     Column(u'last_name', Unicode(255)),
>    # Column(u'book_id', Integer, ForeignKey('test_book.id')),
>     mysql_engine='InnoDB')
> book_author_table = Table('test_book_author', meta,
>     Column(u'user_id', None, ForeignKey('test_book.id'),
> primary_key=True),
>     Column(u'author_id', None, ForeignKey('test_author.id'),
> primary_key=True))
> meta.create_all()
> class Author(object):pass
> class Book(object): pass
> mapper(Author, author_table)
> mapper(Book, book_table)
> in the simple case,  i got an input dict with only one author
> (although there might be more than one):
> in_dict = in2 = {'title':"some title 2", 'first_name':'joe',
> 'last_name':'somebody'}
> my first flup is right here as i can't append the author to the author
> list in the book oject, since it doesn't exist, duh:
> book = Book()
> author=Author()
> book.authors.append(author) #does not work
> how do i kneed to specify my metadata and mappers to get things set up
> my way? is this even possible in a non-declarative manner?
> although i haven't gotten there, yet, i'm pretty sure the _this_ won't
> work even if i had my author obj list available:
> for k,v in in_dict.items():
>     book.k = v
> fundamentally, i'm trying to get a web-based input form with lots of
> attributes equivalent to the book-author example above into my db as
> painless as possible. any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thx
> matt
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