Thank you again for a good answer. I still can't figure this out
though, Im getting the same error message all the time when I
use .join()
Could it be an issue with Elixir which I'm using? Or with Plone/Five?
What about just using a from_statement?

On Sep 24, 3:16 pm, Alex K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> K, seems that I've found the root cause:
> When you are making the join from query, the syntax is:
> app.session.query(Sak).join(Sak.prosjektid).filter(....
> where Sak.prosjektid is the relation property of the Sak class
> or you can specify the target in the tuples form:
> app.session.query(Sak).join((Prosjekt,Sak.prosjekt)), where
> (Prosjekt,Sak.prosjekt) - is the tuple with what you join (first) and
> how you join (second value)
> when you are using commas inside this join, it thinks of the multiple
> join statements, so it interprets your
> .join(Prosjekt,Sak.prosjektid) as 2 joins requirements and fails
> anyway, here is the complete example that works,
> tables = {}
> tables['prosjekt'] = Table('prosjekt', metadata,
>                     Column('prosjektid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>                     Column('p_prosjektid', Integer,
> ForeignKey('prosjekt.prosjektid')),
>                     Column('kundeid', Integer),
>                     )
> tables['sak'] = Table('sak', metadata,
>                       Column('saksnr', Integer, primary_key = True),
>                       Column('prosjektid', Integer,
> ForeignKey('prosjekt.prosjektid')),
>                     )
> metadata.create_all()
> mappers = {}
> class Prosjekt(object):pass
> class Sak(object):pass
> mappers['prosjekt'] = mapper(Prosjekt, tables['prosjekt'],
>             properties = {
>             'sak': relation(Sak),
>             'p_prosjekt':
> relation(Prosjekt,remote_side=[tables['prosjekt'].c.prosjektid])
>             })
> mappers['sak'] = mapper(Sak, tables['sak'],
>             properties = {
>             'prosjekt': relation(Prosjekt),
>             })
> objects =
> app.session.query(Sak).join(Sak.prosjekt).filter(Prosjekt.kundeid==15000032).all()
> #or
> objects =
> app.session.query(Sak).join((Prosjekt,Sak.prosjekt)).filter(Prosjekt.kundeid==15000032).all()
> On 24 сент, 12:45, olavgg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank you for your answer,
> > I did as you said but still returns the same error:
> > InvalidRequestError: Mapper 'Mapper|Sak|sak' has no property '<class
> > 'Products.TikkTakk.model.Prosjekt.Prosjekt'>'
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