On Oct 3, 2008, at 5:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> B joins to A1 on A1.db_id, which is not the primary key of the "A"
>> mapper series.  the PK is A0.db_id.  thats how it does that part.
> i've no manual code, whatever relation is producing.
> they're same, no? at least A0.ids contains all A1.ids, any A1 is an A0
> as well.
> a) how i make it so the relation uses A0.db_id and not A1.db? i guess
> by linking to A0 instead of A1... but i don't want that.

thats the only way, yeah

> b) what is the equivalence checking algo, if any, done by
> propLoader/query.get() ? to me something there is not correct. it
> should, for a A0-A1-A2-A* inheritance chain, when asked for any of
> (A1,A2,A*).id to check for the root A0.id. right?

it checks for a join condition of B.some_foreign_key_column(s) ==  
A.the_primary_key_column(s).  If it knows that, then A can be loaded  
by primary key hence get().

> heh, as i see it, the propLoader is not doing query.get()...
> in LazyLoader.init():
> self.use_get = not self.uselist and
>   self.mapper._get_clause[0].compare(self.__lazywhere)
> it compares
> mapper:  "A0".db_id = ?
> lazyrel: ? = "A1".db_id
> and they are not equivalent.. this should first replace A1.dbid with
> it's corresponding mapper's root key (A0.dbid) via
> _equivalent_column/corresp_column and just then compare.
> right? i'll make a ticket #1186 +test.

that is exactly correct, that approach would work. 

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