On Oct 9, 10:20 am, Wayne Witzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following code:
>         tags = [u"tag1", u"tag2"]
>         tag_count = len(tags)
>         inner_q = select([shiptag_table.c.shipid])
>         inner_w = inner_q.where(
>             and_(shiptag_table.c.tagid == Tag.id,Tag.name.in_(tags))
> ).group_by(shiptag_table.c.shipid).having(func.count(shiptag_table.c.shipid )
> == tag_count)
>         outer_q = select([Tag.id, Tag.name,
> func.count(shiptag_table.c.shipid)])
>         outer_w = outer_q.where(
>             and_(shiptag_table.c.shipid.in_(inner_w),
>             not_(Tag.name.in_(tags)),
>             Tag.id == shiptag_table.c.tagid)
>         ).group_by(shiptag_table.c.tagid)
>         related_tags = meta.Session.execute(outer_w).fetchall()
>         return related_tags
> If I try to execute as is, I get the following error:
> InvalidRequestError: Select statement 'SELECT shiptag.shipid
> FROM shiptag, tag
> WHERE shiptag.tagid = tag.id AND tag.name IN (:name_1) GROUP BY
> shiptag.shipid
> HAVING count(shiptag.shipid) = :count_1' returned no FROM clauses due
> to auto-correlation; specify c
> orrelate(<tables>) to control correlation manually.

Well I can laugh at myself. Re-read the docs and it was layed out for
me right there.
Added .correlate(None) to my inner_w and all is well.


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