On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2008, at 3:28 PM, John Hunter wrote:
>> I have some tables with financial data -- one table has price data on
>> a given date and another data has fundamental data on a given report
>> date.  I am wondering if it is possible to create another object that
>> is a ratio on a join between values in the two tables, eg in pseudo
>> code
>>  # divide the current price by the most recent sales figure
>>  price_sales = price_table.price / fundamental_table.sales where
>> fundamental_table.reportdate<=price_table.date order by
>> fundamental_table.reportdate limit 1
>> I would also like this price_sales to be an attribute that is itself
>> queryable, eg, so I can express
>>  select all where ratio_data.price_sales<2 and and price_data.price>5
>> I am a bit of a sqlalchemy newbie -- I have written the price data and
>> fundamental tables below.  If there is a way  to express the above
>> ratio data as a handy sqlalchemy map, I'd appreciate any suggestions
> if the attribute is "attached" to either PriceData or FundamentalData,
> the general route towards this kind of thing is to use
> column_property().   You can place subqueries which correlate to the
> base table in those.   If you're looking for a third mapped object
> along the lines of RatioData, you can map such a class to a select()
> object which represents the query, although this seems more like an
> attribute on PriceData.
> the column_property() is usable in queries and you can also customize
> how it compares using a user-defined PropComparator.
> a brief example is at:  
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/mappers.html#advdatamapping_mapper_expressions

Hey Michael,

Thanks for your answer.  This has been tremendously helpful.  I now
have an example that is doing more-or-less what I want for my
toy-example (see below).  In this example, I went ahead and attached
the ratio to the price data, because as you suggested this is a fairly
natural place for it (for any fundamental reportdate there are
multiple price data points at which I might want to compute the

To simplify the problem, I have written code that simply connects the
"reportdate" of the fundamental data with a give price data point, eg

class PriceData(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'price_data'

   ticker = sa.Column(sa.String(12), primary_key=True)
   date = sa.Column(sa.Date, primary_key=True)
   price = sa.Column(sa.FLOAT)
   reportdate =  orm.column_property(
         (ticker==FundamentalData.ticker) & (date>=FundamentalData.reportdate)

This works fine, as in the complete example posted below (the code
identifies a report date less-than-or-equal-to a price date for each
date).  But I am confused by the effect of the "limit" method.  My
intention is to use it to limit the results to one match, the most
recent reportdate before date.  But if I remove the "limit" method
call,  I still get the same result, a single reportdate, though I
would expect a sequence instead since there are multiple reportdates
prior to the price date in the example included below. Or if I write
"limit(4)" I still get a single result for reportdate, though I would
expect multiple matches.

Any ideas what is going on here?  Compete example below....

import datetime
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///test.db")
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)

class FundamentalData(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'fundamentals'

   ticker = sa.Column(sa.String(12), primary_key=True)
   reportdate = sa.Column(sa.Date, primary_key=True)
   sales = sa.Column(sa.FLOAT)
   income = sa.Column(sa.FLOAT)

   def __init__(self, ticker, reportdate, sales, income):
       self.ticker = ticker
       self.reportdate = reportdate
       self.sales = sales
       self.income = income

   def __repr__(self):
       return "FundamentalData('%s', %r, %r, %r)"%(self.ticker,
self.reportdate, self.sales, self.income)

class PriceData(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'price_data'

   ticker = sa.Column(sa.String(12), primary_key=True)
   date = sa.Column(sa.Date, primary_key=True)
   price = sa.Column(sa.FLOAT)
   reportdate =  orm.column_property(
         (ticker==FundamentalData.ticker) & (date>=FundamentalData.reportdate)

   price_sales =  orm.column_property(
         (ticker==FundamentalData.ticker) & (date>=FundamentalData.reportdate),

   def __init__(self, ticker, date, price, volume):
       self.ticker = ticker
       self.date = date
       self.price = price

   def __repr__(self):
       return "PriceData('%s', %r, %r); ps=%r, reportdate=%s"%(
          self.ticker, self.date, self.price, self.price_sales, self.reportdate)

if __name__=='__main__':

   Session = orm.sessionmaker()
   session = Session(bind=engine)

   i1 = PriceData('IBM', datetime.date(2008,1,1), 100, 1000.)
   i2 = PriceData('IBM', datetime.date(2007,7,2), 101, 2000.)
   i3 = PriceData('IBM', datetime.date(2007,4,3), 102, 2000.)

   a1 = PriceData('ACXM', datetime.date(2007,7,1), 100, 11000.)
   a2 = PriceData('ACXM', datetime.date(2007,7,2), 101, 12000.)
   a3 = PriceData('ACXM', datetime.date(2007,7,3), 102, 12000.)

   q4 = FundamentalData('IBM', datetime.date(2008,12,1), 30000.,  3000.)
   q3 = FundamentalData('IBM', datetime.date(2007,9,1), 20000.,  2000.)
   q2 = FundamentalData('IBM', datetime.date(2007,6,1), 10000.,  1000.)
   q1 = FundamentalData('IBM', datetime.date(2007,3,1), 10001.,  1001.)





   for o in session.query(PriceData):
      print o

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