Afternoon Guys,


I have a suspicion that I'm leaving MySQL database connections open when I
shouldn't be and I'm trying to understand how they are managed by


I currently create an engine instance and bind my session maker too it like


            # Create the engine to the database.

            engine = create_engine(connection_string, echo=False)


            # Connect the session.

            Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)


I then create sessions around my application by using:


            # Create a new session.

            session = Session()


and once finished with it closing the session like this:


            # Close the session. 



When are new connections established to the database when using this method?
And when are they closed again? The only reason I ask is that I've seen a
few errors recently on high load instance of my application which struggle
to connect to the database, I'm also seeing a few table corruptions and I
think they're all related issues from me perhaps creating too many


Thanks for any information you can share chaps,



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