I have to check but I think I get the same error if I name the keys
differently in each table. Eric

> concrete polymorphism with good deal of inheritance and same-keys does
> not work in current SA.
> there's no way to differ between X.id=1 and Y.id=1 in the polymunion.
> there were ideas to add some type-discriminator in the union's primary
> key, and use that in the machinery, but AFAIK no much is done.
> my set of concrete-inh testcases still fails in same ways as before (i
> think there is one more failing since 0.5)
> Mike will know better.
> On Tuesday 21 October 2008 10:48:02 Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Michael Bayer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > its not a known issue but sounds like a bug.   a very concise
>> > test case which we can use as a unit test would help here.
>> I hope this is good enough:
>> from sqlalchemy import *
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
>> engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
>> metadata =MetaData(engine)
>> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
>> refugees_table = Table('refugee', metadata,
>>     Column('refugee_fid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>     Column('refugee_name', Unicode, key='name'))
>> offices_table = Table('office', metadata,
>>     Column('office_fid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>     Column('office_name', Unicode, key='name'))
>> pjoin = polymorphic_union({
>>     'refugee': refugees_table,
>>     'office': offices_table
>> }, 'type', 'pjoin')
>> metadata.create_all()
>> class Location(object):
>>     pass
>> class Refugee(Location):
>>     pass
>> class Office(Location):
>>     pass
>> location_mapper = mapper(Location, pjoin,
>> polymorphic_on=pjoin.c.type, polymorphic_identity='location')
>> refugee_mapper  = mapper(Refugee, refugees_table,
>> inherits=location_mapper, concrete=True,
>> polymorphic_identity='refugee') office_mapper   = mapper(Office,
>> offices_table, inherits=location_mapper, concrete=True,
>> polymorphic_identity='office')
>> engine.execute("insert into refugee values(1, \"refugee1\")")
>> engine.execute("insert into refugee values(2, \"refugee2\")")
>> engine.execute("insert into office values(1, \"office1\")")
>> engine.execute("insert into office values(2, \"office2\")")
>> # these two pass, good!
>> assert Session.query(Refugee).get(1).name == "refugee1"
>> assert Session.query(Refugee).get(2).name == "refugee2"
>> #assert Session.query(Office).get(1).office_name == "office1"
>> #assert Session.query(Office).get(2).office_name == "office2"
>> # these two fail, bad!
>> assert Session.query(Office).get(1).name == "office1"
>> assert Session.query(Office).get(2).name == "office2"
>> --
>> Eric
> >

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