This works. However although type=='file' is the only time I want/need 
to have a subclass for, I still need to know the original value of type. 
Is there a way in SA to basically get two copies of the column? Maybe I 
could return a tuple from MyRow.__getitem__ ?

The best think I can think of is to create a view (PostgreSQL):
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW nodehierarchy_view AS  SELECT *, type AS poly 
FROM nodehierarchy;

and map my classes against the view, that way I have two copies of the 
type columns.

To complicate things slightly more I am joining against a type table, 
who's primary key is a text field. So typically when I just want to know 
the name of the type I do node.type, but sometimes I need additional 
information and do a node.Type.other_info. Right now the relation is 
commented out since it isn't working.

node_mapper = mapper(Node, nodehierarchy_table, extension=MyExt(), 
polymorphic_on=nodehierarchy_table.c.type, polymorphic_identity='node',
    properties = {
    #'Type' : relation (Type, 
primaryjoin=(, uselist=False),

Michael Bayer wrote:
> the feature that would best support this would be to allow the
> polymorphic_on to be a callable so that any user-defined functionality
> can be run on the given row in order to determine the discriminator
> value.
> Here's a slightly less convenient way to get that effect now:
> class MyRow(UserDict):
>      def __init__(self, row, discriminator):
> = row
>          self.discriminator = discriminator
>      def __getitem__(self, key):
>          if key is self.discriminator and[key] != 'file':
>              return 'default_value'
>          else:
>              return[key]
> class MyExt(MapperExtension):
>      def translate_row(self, mapper, context, row):
>          return MyRow(row, mapper.polymorpic_on)
> mapper(MyClass, mytable, extension=MyExt())
> allowing a callable polymorphic_on wouldn't be a hard feature to add
> and its been planned to be eventually added.
> On Oct 30, 2008, at 1:19 PM, David Gardner wrote:
>> I have a situation similar to
>> with the exception that I have about 50 different types, but only
>> one of
>> them I want to subclass. So I was wondering id there was some option
>> to
>> polymorphic_identity to give it a list of values.
>> Currently what I do is I map the subclass against a query:
>> sql_file_node = select ([nodehierarchy_table],
>> asset_table.c.type=='file').alias ('file_node_query')
>> mapper(Node, nodehierarchy_table .....)
>> mapper(FileNode, sql_file_node......)
>> what I would like to do:
>> node_mapper = mapper(Node, nodehierarchy_table,
>> polymorphic_on=nodehierarchy_table.c.type, ....)
>> mapper(FileNode, inherits=node_mapper,
>> polymorphic_on=asset_table.c.type, polymorphic_identity='file' ....)
>> However when I do this, SA complains that there "AssertionError: No
>> such
>> polymorphic_identity '<any other type>' is defined"
>> To complicate matters slightely this is a self referential table,
>> This isn't a huge problem because I could continue to use SA the way I
>> currently am.
>> --
>> David Gardner
>> Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
>> Jim Henson Creature Shop
> >

David Gardner
Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
Jim Henson Creature Shop
(323) 802-1717 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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