On Nov 7, 2008, at 10:37 AM, sector119 wrote:

> Hi!
> I have people_table:
> people_table = sa.Table('people', meta.metadata,
>    sa.Column('id', sa.types.Integer, primary_key=True,
> autoincrement=False),
>    sa.Column('street_id', sa.types.Integer,
> sa.ForeignKey('streets.id'), nullable=False),
>    sa.Column('first_name', sa.types.Unicode(255), nullable=True),
>    sa.Column('last_name', sa.types.Unicode(255), nullable=False)
> )
> And I have to create that table at different than public schema.
> If I do people_table.tometadata(meta.metadata,
> schema='myschema').create() sqlalchemy create table but with street_id
> = ForeignKey('streets.id') not ForeignKey('myschema.streets.id')
> How to make FK's follow new table schema or how to change foreign key
> target on the fly?
> With people_table.foreign_keys[0].target_fullname =
> 'myschema.streets.id' it doesn't work ? I get AttributeError: can't
> change attribute

to metadata() is not a widely used feature so I'd describe that  
behavior as a bug.  The ForeignKey should be converted over.   As far  
as your workaround, set the value on "_colspec" rather than  
"target_fullname" and that should clear it up.

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