Hey list -

The 0.5 series is taking its time getting to the final 0.5.0, but its  
all good as we are honing and refining this thing to perfection.    
I've already had rc2 on some near-production systems with no issue and  
its already widely used.   This release is still on rc status since we  
made some very effective changes to memory management within the  
Session which reduce a good chunk of overhead to the garbage  
collection process, as well as some subtle Query fixes, both of which  
will benefit from widespread evaluation (no problems are known to  

Download SQLA 0.5rc3 at:  http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html

- features
- orm
     - Added two new hooks to SessionExtension:
       after_bulk_delete() and after_bulk_update().
       after_bulk_delete() is called after a bulk delete()
       operation on a query. after_bulk_update() is called
       after a bulk update() operation on a query.

- sql
     - SQL compiler optimizations and complexity
       reduction. The call count for compiling a
       typical select() construct is 20% less versus

     - Dialects can now generate label names of adjustable
       length. Pass in the argument "label_length=<value>" to
       create_engine() to adjust how many characters max will
       be present in dynamically generated column labels, i.e.
       "somecolumn AS somelabel". Any value less than 6 will
       result in a label of minimal size, consiting of an
       underscore and a numeric counter. The compiler uses the
       value of dialect.max_identifier_length as a default.

- ext
     - Added a new extension sqlalchemy.ext.serializer.
       Provides Serializer/Deserializer "classes" which mirror
       Pickle/Unpickle, as well as dumps() and loads(). This
       serializer implements an "external object" pickler
       which keeps key context-sensitive objects, including
       engines, sessions, metadata, Tables/Columns, and
       mappers, outside of the pickle stream, and can later
       restore the pickle using any engine/metadata/session
       provider. This is used not for pickling regular object
       instances, which are pickleable without any special
       logic, but for pickling expression objects and full
       Query objects, such that all mapper/engine/session
       dependencies can be restored at unpickle time.

- oracle
     - Wrote a docstring for Oracle dialect. Apparently
       that Ohloh "few source code comments" label is
       starting to sting :).

     - Removed FIRST_ROWS() optimize flag when using
       LIMIT/OFFSET, can be reenabled with
       optimize_limits=True create_engine() flag.

- bugfixes and behavioral changes
- orm
     - "not equals" comparisons of simple many-to-one
       relation to an instance will not drop into an
       EXISTS clause and will compare foreign key
       columns instead.

     - Removed not-really-working use cases of
       comparing a collection to an iterable. Use
       contains() to test for collection membership.

     - Improved the behavior of aliased() objects such
       that they more accurately adapt the expressions
       generated, which helps particularly with
       self-referential comparisons. [ticket:1171]

     - Fixed bug involving primaryjoin/secondaryjoin
       conditions constructed from class-bound
       attributes (as often occurs when using
       declarative), which later would be
       inappropriately aliased by Query, particularly
       with the various EXISTS based comparators.

     - Fixed bug when using multiple query.join() with
       an aliased-bound descriptor which would lose the
       left alias.

     - Improved weakref identity map memory management
       to no longer require mutexing, resurrects
       garbage collected instance on a lazy basis for
       an InstanceState with pending changes.

     - InstanceState object now removes circular
       references to itself upon disposal to keep it
       outside of cyclic garbage collection.

     - relation() won't hide unrelated ForeignKey
       errors inside of the "please specify
       primaryjoin" message when determining join

     - Fixed bug in Query involving order_by() in
       conjunction with multiple aliases of the same
       class (will add tests in [ticket:1218])

     - When using Query.join() with an explicit clause
       for the ON clause, the clause will be aliased in
       terms of the left side of the join, allowing
       scenarios like query(Source).
       Source.id==Dest.source_id)) to work properly.

     - polymorphic_union() function respects the "key"
       of each Column if they differ from the column's

     - Repaired support for "passive-deletes" on a
       many-to-one relation() with "delete" cascade.

     - Fixed bug in composite types which prevented a
       primary-key composite type from being mutated

     - Added more granularity to internal attribute
       access, such that cascade and flush operations
       will not initialize unloaded attributes and
       collections, leaving them intact for a lazy-load
       later on. Backref events still initialize
       attrbutes and collections for pending instances.

- sql
     - Simplified the check for ResultProxy "autoclose
       without results" to be based solely on presence
       of cursor.description. All the regexp-based
       guessing about statements returning rows has
       been removed [ticket:1212].

     - Direct execution of a union() construct will
       properly set up result-row processing.

     - The internal notion of an "OID" or "ROWID"
       column has been removed. It's basically not used
       by any dialect, and the possibility of its usage
       with psycopg2's cursor.lastrowid is basically
       gone now that INSERT..RETURNING is available.

     - Removed "default_order_by()" method on all
       FromClause objects.

     - Repaired the table.tometadata() method so that a
       passed-in schema argument is propigated to
       ForeignKey constructs.

     - Slightly changed behavior of IN operator for
       comparing to empty collections. Now results in
       inequality comparison against self. More
       portable, but breaks with stored procedures that
       aren't pure functions.

- oracle
     - Setting the auto_convert_lobs to False on
       create_engine() will also instruct the
       OracleBinary type to return the cx_oracle LOB
       object unchanged.

- mysql
     - Fixed foreign key reflection in the edge case
       where a Table's explicit schema= is the same as
       the schema (database) the connection is attached

     - No longer expects include_columns in table
       reflection to be lower case.

- ext
     - Fixed bug preventing declarative-bound "column"
       objects from being used in
       column_mapped_collection(). [ticket:1174]

- misc
     - util.flatten_iterator() func doesn't interpret
       strings with __iter__() methods as iterators,
       such as in pypy [ticket:1077].

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