
you could simply get the Bowler objects from the results by saying

results = [r[0] for r in results]

I'm not sure whether you query is correct, though. Usually, you cannot
select columns which are not in the GROUP BY clause or which are not
aggregated - after grouping, you have several bowler_id candidates for
each group, and there's nothing in your query telling the database
which ID you want. MySQL allows this and implies that all ID values
are the same, SQLite might do something similar. Try adding some more
bowlers for each city and see if it still returns the results you

You can rewrite the query using exists():

b1 = bowlers_table.alias()
b2 = bowlers_table.alias()
results = session.query(Bowler).filter(not_(
  exists([b2.c.bowler_id], and_(b2.c.bowler_id != b1.c.bowler_id,
b2.c.city_id == b1.c.city_id, b2.c.highscore >

Cheers, Simon

On 10 Nov., 11:35, Ian Charnas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Alchemy Land!
> If I have a simple test-case with Bowler objects and City objects, and
> I want to use func.max and group_by in order to find the highest
> scorers in each city... I might do something like this:
> max_score = func.max(Bowler.highscore).label('highest_score')
> results = session.query(Bowler,
> max_score).group_by(Bowler.city_id).all()
> So this works as I'd expect, and 'results' now contains
> (Bowler,max_score) tuples... but  what I really want is to have a
> query that just returns Bowler objects, and not these tuples.  Is
> there a way to get rid of that 'max_score' column from the result
> set?  I've been at this for hours, I bet it's really simple but I just
> can't find it.
> please help!!!
> Full example
> ----------------------
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True,
> strategy='threadlocal')
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=False,
> autocommit=False))
> session = Session(bind=engine)
> metadata = ThreadLocalMetaData()
> metadata.bind = engine
> bowlers_table = Table('bowler', metadata,
>     Column('bowler_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('name', String(50)),
>     Column('highscore', Integer, default=0),
>     Column('city_id', None, ForeignKey('city.city_id'))
> )
> cities_table = Table('city', metadata,
>     Column('city_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('name', String(50))
> )
> metadata.create_all()
> class Base(object):
>     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>         for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
>             setattr(self, key, value)
> class Bowler(Base):
>     pass
> class City(Base):
>     pass
> mapper(City, cities_table)
> mapper(Bowler, bowlers_table, properties={
>     'city': relation(City)
> })
> nyc = City(name="New York City")
> michael_bayer = Bowler(name="Michael Bayer", highscore=299, city=nyc)
> big_lebowski = Bowler(name="Jeffrey Lebowsky", highscore=170,
> city=nyc)
> cle = City(name="Cleveland")
> ian_charnas = Bowler(name="Ian Charnas", highscore=220, city=cle)
> the_jesus = Bowler(name="Antonio DeJesus", highscore=130, city=cle)
> session.add_all([michael_bayer, big_lebowski, ian_charnas, the_jesus])
> session.flush()
> max_score = func.max(Bowler.highscore).label('highest_score')
> results = session.query(Bowler,
> max_score).group_by(Bowler.city_id).all()
> # Results contain (Bowler, max_score) tuples
> [(<__main__.Bowler object at 0x139b590>, 170),
>  (<__main__.Bowler object at 0x13b20d0>, 130)]
> # But I want results to just contain Bowler objects
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