> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> ---"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"@il06exr02.mot.com
> Sent: 18 November 2008 10:04
> To: sqlalchemy
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: Info needed regarding the use of cascade
> Thank you Michael ,
> > you only need a single relation() + backref(), "books<->stock".
> did you mean like this ?
> class Stock(declarative_base):
>       __tablename__ = 'tbl_stock'
>       ....
>       ....
>       ....
>       pass
> class Book(declarative_base):
>       __tablename__ = 'tbl_books'
>       ....
>       ....
>       stock = relation('Stock', backref=backref
> ('tbl_books',order_by=id))
> if so how can i retrieve all the books in a particular stock  ??
> in my case i could have done it by
> >>> ins_stock = session.querry(Stock).filter(id=100).one()
> >>> print ins.stock.books
> [<book1 object><book2 object> ...]

The 'backref' of a relation is the name of a property that gets placed
on the 'other end' of the relation, pointing back at the original
object. So with the configuration that you had above, you should be able
to say:

>>> ins_stock = session.query(Stock).filter(id=100).one()
>>> print ins_stock.tbl_books
[<book1 object><book2 object> ...]

If you name your backref 'books', then you can use your Stock objects in
exactly the same way as you did before.

Hope that helps,


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