On Nov 20, 2008, at 7:07 PM, SinJax wrote:

> Hi, I've made this post already on my blog but it was suggested i post
> here as it might be an interesting point of discussion.
> The first scenario is a single table with 24,000 rows. The problem is
> that using SQLAlchemy through Elixir to map this table to an object,
> and performing a fairly naive MappedThing.query().all() the process
> takes roughly 4.8 seconds to return every item! Compared to 0.3
> seconds total time taken to get and store every row in a tuple using
> MysqlDb and a cursor.
> Furthermore, when i attempt to use the object as i'd actually want in
> practise, i.e. join the values of this 24,000 row table to appropriate
> other tables as defined by the database's foreign keys, the whole
> process takes a really long time, running a very inefficient join
> query taking roughly 10 seconds to complete. Again this is compared to
> a set of queries taking under 1 second in pure SQL
> The scenario where i'd want such a query where i get all the data is
> primarily administrative and subsequently arguably it doesn't matter
> if its slow. However similarly unusable speeds are found even when
> running slightly cut down versions for users. My solution at the
> moment is to simply use SQLAlchemy as a glorified MysqlDb connection
> with a very fancy SQL statement generation library. I'd like to use
> the ORM sides more but with these speeds i'm not sure i can!
> The question is, is SQLAlchemy supposed to be this slow? Is this the
> cost of wanting your data as objects? Has anyone else got experience
> with SQLAlchemy working with larger databases and if so how does it
> fair on such queries? Are they just avoided entirely.... or am i just
> approaching this problem from the wrong direction, in which case any
> advice would be much appreciated!

SQLAlchemy's ORM is extremely fast, and in particular is super- 
optimized for fetching rows.  However, an ORM is by nature much slower  
than a raw cursor.  A discussion of this can be found here:  
  .    Note also that SQLA 0.5 is a further 15% faster when fetching  
ORM rows than the 0.4 version profiled there.   The only faster ORM in  
Python is Storm when used with their newly released C extensions,  
which allows it to fetch ORM rows as fast as SQLAlchemy's  
ResultProxy.   Without their C extension in use, SQLA 0.5 is about 40%  
faster.  Needless to say C extensions are also on the roadmap for  
SQLAlchemy so we hope to catch up to them again hopefully within the  
next year.   But in general, SQLAlchemy's ORM is considered to be  
quite performant, and the wiki lists about a dozen websites currently  
using it.

As far as the joins issued, its not possible to comment on that  
without seeing what joins in question you're referring to, or if  
you're referring to the contrast between a JOIN and just issuing   
individual SELECT statements for each row fetched in the primary  
result set.  The SQLA ORM renders joins using "select * from tablea  
JOIN tableb ON <criterion>", so there is no extra inefficiency  
introduced in that use case versus a hand-rendered join.

But overall, ORMs are designed to be used for fine-tuned persistence/ 
query operations with a high degree of automation, and not bulk  
operations such as dumping an entire table of 24,000 rows.  This is  
why SQLAlchemy offers two levels of functionality, the ORM as well as  
the SQL expression language, which compiles whatever SQL you want and  
returns rows wrapped in ResultProxy objects, which are thin layers on  
top of cursor objects that provide convenience functionality as well  
as Python type conversion.  If you are dealing with many thousands of  
rows, this is the appropriate API to be used, introducing relatively  
minimal overhead versus a raw cursor, with variability introduced by  
how many row-processing TypeEngine objects are in use.

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