Moshe C. wrote:
> How would I unmap a class ( so that I can map it to another table from
> a parallel but distinct DB) ?
> I can't seem to find the documentation for the Mapper object itself.
> I may be going the wrong way about it.
> I want to map  the same class to tables in different databases at
> different times.
> Where is the recommended point to change the association? The mapper ?
> The session?

all classes can be unmapped using clear_mappers().  As for unmapping and
remapping individual classes, we don't provide a public API for this since
the general procedure is problematic - it wouldn't work for mapped classes
where the mappers are related to other mappers (extremely common), and
needing to unmap/remap classes as a matter of course, except for testing
purposes, would perform very poorly and is generally a poor pattern of

There's many ways to relate a single class to multiple tables at different
times, and it mostly depends on what you're trying to do.

Methods for this include:

1. querying against an alternate selectable, which relates to the original
mapped table:


2. Using non_primary mappers.  This allows a view to be produced against
an alternate table but persistence is not supported:

mapper(MyClass, someothertable, non_primary=True)

3. If you are merely looking to share the mapping among the same table as
represented in multiple databases, rebinding the session to different
engines will work for a "full table" approach, or the sharding API can be
used for more of an "automatic" approach.

4. For a full-blown "persist the class in multiple tables" approach,
earlier versions of SQLA supported a concept called "entity_name".  this
feature has been removed in 0.5 since it is essentially redundant against
pure python techniques which integrate more nicely with 0.5s paradigms
(I'm adding this to the Wiki now):

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

metadata = MetaData(create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True))
t1 = Table('t1', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
t2 = Table('t2', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))

def map_class_to_some_table(cls, table, entity_name, **kw):
     newcls = type.__new__(type, entity_name, (cls, ), {})
     mapper(newcls, table, **kw)
     return newcls

class Foo(object):

T1Foo = map_class_to_some_table(Foo, t1, "T1Foo")
T2Foo = map_class_to_some_table(Foo, t2, "T2Foo")

sess = sessionmaker()()

sess.add_all([T1Foo(), T1Foo(), T2Foo(), T1Foo()])

print sess.query(T1Foo).all()
print sess.query(T2Foo).all()

the key assumption when using the "entity_name" approach is that the
application must be explicitly aware of "which" mapped class its using. 
In previous versions, you didn't have to specify "entity_name" except when
interacting with the Session.  But since a mapping does affect class
behavior, we've now moved towards the "specify it up front" pattern.

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