so my version does work on postgres too (did u try it?).. 
at least finishes with no errors.
or should there be other checks? like what's left in each table?

On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:30:04 David Harrison wrote:
> Postgres is the intended deployment platform so it really does need
> to work on Postgres, that said last time I dug into this I found
> that SQLite is less strict on enforcing key constraints where
> Postgres isn't, so technically Postgres is right to complain.
> 2008/11/27  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > and what that shoud do? attached is a changed version... do see
> > if that's what u want (it's sqlite, with plain session).
> > the only real change is cascade=all,delete-orphan on
> > house.owners... but i just unintentionaly guessed it.
> >
> > On Thursday 27 November 2008 09:51:38 David Harrison wrote:
> >> So this is actually a follow on from a question I posed quite a
> >> while back now:
> >>
> >>
> >>530
> >> dffffd3f5585/eb4638599b02577d?lnk=gst&q=Postgres+cascade+error#e
> >>b463 8599b02577d
> >>
> >> So my approach to solving this problem was to use a
> >> MapperExtension, but it's giving me the error that I originally
> >> posted in this thread.
> >>
> >> I'm re-posting my previous code here for easy reference and
> >> testing by others (with one tiny mod to get rid of the
> >> optionparser code I had):
> >>
> >> ---
> >>
> >> #!/usr/bin/env python
> >>
> >> import sys
> >> import sqlalchemy as sa
> >> import sqlalchemy.orm
> >>
> >>
> >> session = sa.orm.scoped_session(
> >>     sa.orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=True)
> >> )
> >> mapper = session.mapper
> >> metadata = sa.MetaData()
> >>
> >>
> >> houseTable = sa.Table(
> >>     'house',
> >>     metadata,
> >>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
> >> )
> >>
> >> ownerTable = sa.Table(
> >>     'owner',
> >>     metadata,
> >>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
> >>     sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer,
> >> sa.ForeignKey('')), )
> >>
> >> dogTable = sa.Table(
> >>     'dog',
> >>     metadata,
> >>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
> >>     sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer,
> >> sa.ForeignKey('')), )
> >>
> >> friendshipTable = sa.Table(
> >>     'friendship',
> >>     metadata,
> >>     sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
> >>     sa.Column('owner_id', sa.Integer,
> >> sa.ForeignKey('')), sa.Column('dog_id', sa.Integer,
> >> sa.ForeignKey('')), )
> >>
> >>
> >> class House(object): pass
> >> class Owner(object): pass
> >> class Dog(object): pass
> >> class Friendship(object): pass
> >>
> >>
> >> mapper(
> >>     House,
> >>     houseTable,
> >>     properties = {
> >>         "owners" : sa.orm.relation(
> >>             Owner, cascade="delete-orphan"
> >>         ),
> >>         "dogs" : sa.orm.relation(
> >>             Dog, cascade="delete-orphan"
> >>         ),
> >>     },
> >> )
> >> mapper(
> >>     Owner,
> >>     ownerTable,
> >>     properties = {
> >>         "friendships" : sa.orm.relation(
> >>             Friendship, cascade="delete"
> >>         ),
> >>     },
> >> )
> >>
> >> mapper(
> >>     Friendship,
> >>     friendshipTable,
> >>     properties = {
> >>         "dog" : sa.orm.relation(
> >>             Dog, uselist=False, cascade="all, delete-orphan"
> >>         ),
> >>     },
> >> )
> >>
> >> mapper(Dog, dogTable)
> >>
> >>
> >> if __name__ == "__main__":
> >>
> >>     engine = sa.create_engine(
> >>         "postgres://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test",
> >>         strategy="threadlocal",
> >>         echo=True
> >>     )
> >>     metadata.bind = engine
> >>     session.configure(bind=engine)
> >>
> >>     print "Creating tables"
> >>     metadata.create_all()
> >>
> >>     print "Seeding database"
> >>     for i in range(10): House()
> >>     session.flush()
> >>
> >>     for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
> >>         for i in range(2):
> >>             owner = Owner()
> >>             house.owners.append(owner)
> >>     session.flush()
> >>
> >>     for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
> >>         for i in range(2):
> >>             dog = Dog()
> >>             house.dogs.append(dog)
> >>     session.flush()
> >>
> >>     for owner in sa.orm.Query(Owner).all():
> >>         for dog in sa.orm.Query(Dog).filter_by(house_id =
> >> owner.house_id).all(): friendship = Friendship()
> >>    = dog
> >>             owner.friendships.append(friendship)
> >>     session.commit()
> >>
> >>     owner = sa.orm.Query(Owner).first()
> >>     for f in owner.friendships:
> >>         print "FRIENDSHIP: %s  || DOG: %s" % (,
> >>
> >>     print "Deleting owner"
> >>     session.delete(owner)
> >>     session.flush()
> >>     session.commit()
> >>
> >> 2008/11/27 David Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> > Sorry, I should probably have mentioned that C isn't the only
> >> > object that maps A, so a cascade doesn't work.
> >> >
> >> > 2008/11/27  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> >> i'm not expert on these, but i think u need something like
> >> >> cascade='all' on your relation, _instead_ of the mapperExt.
> >> >> check the docs about possible settings. the mapperExt fires
> >> >> too late and the session flush-plan gets surprised.
> >> >>
> >> >> On Thursday 27 November 2008 08:15:04 David Harrison wrote:
> >> >>> Hey all,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I've got a situation where I have 2 object A and B, and a
> >> >>> third object C that has a foreign key reference to both A
> >> >>> and B.  I can have many C's that map to the same A.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Now I've implemented a MapperExtension for C that has an
> >> >>> after_delete function, and that function checks to see if
> >> >>> the A that the deleted C was mapped to has any other
> >> >>> mappings, and if there are no other mappings left, deletes
> >> >>> the A.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Now this works fine if I'm just deleting C's directly,
> >> >>> however as soon as this happens during a cascade delete from
> >> >>> some other object D that happens to have a mapping to C I
> >> >>> get the below error - I'm assuming this is because
> >> >>> sqlalchemy has a test condition that doesn't see my mapper
> >> >>> coming, and freaks out when extra rows get nuked.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> "ConcurrentModificationError: Deleted rowcount 0 does not
> >> >>> match number of objects deleted 4"
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Help ?
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Cheers
> >> >>> Dave

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