On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Faheem Mitha wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using sqla with the following schema (see below). I'm creating a  
> cell
> object implicitly, using the function make_cell and the association  
> proxy
> pattern.
> def make_cell(patient_obj, snp_obj, snpval):
>     patient_obj.snps[snp_obj] = snpval
>     return patient_obj
> My question is, is there some way to get my hands on the Cell object  
> that
> was just created? If possible, I'd like make_cell to return the cell
> object. My immediate reason is that this would make it easy to save  
> the
> object using session.save() (there might be some indirect way to do  
> this,
> of course), but it would be nice anyway.

there's no need to session.save() any objects created within  
associationproxy - when the parent object is saved, or if the parent  
is already saved, any attachments are also saved using the on-by- 
default "save-update" cascade.

> Thanks in advance. Please CC me on any reply.
>                                                          Regards,  
> Faheem.
> ******************************************************************
> dbschema.py
> ******************************************************************
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
> from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
> from datetime import datetime
> metadata = MetaData('sqlite:///btsnp.sqlite')
> # *patients*
> # patient_id (PK)
> # (Can use actual patient id as unique/alternate identifier
> # Create index).
> # sex -> list of choices allowed
> # age -> (0, 140)
> # time of death
> patient_table = Table(
>     'patient', metadata,
>     Column('id', String(20), primary_key=True, index=True),
>     Column('celfilename', String(30), nullable=False, index=True,  
> unique=True),
>     Column('sex', String(1)),
>     )
> cell_table = Table(
>     'cell', metadata,
>     Column('patient_id',  None, ForeignKey('patient.id',  
> onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True, nullable=False,  
> primary_key=True),
>     Column('snp_id', None, ForeignKey('snp.rsid',  
> onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),  index=True,  
> nullable=False, primary_key=True),
>     Column('snpval_id', None, ForeignKey('snpval.val',  
> onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'), index=True, nullable=False)
>     )
> # *snps*
> # snp_id (PK)
> # name (name of snp)
> snp_table = Table(
>     'snp', metadata,
>     Column('rsid', String(20), nullable=False, primary_key=True),
>     Column('chromosome', Integer, nullable=False),
>     Column('location', Integer, nullable=False),
>     Column('probe_set_id', String(20), nullable=False, unique=True),
>     Column('allele', String(3), nullable=False),
>     )
> # *doublets*
> # doublet_id (PK)
> # seq (two letters AA, AG)
> snpval_table = Table(
>     'snpval', metadata,
>     Column('val', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     )
> metadata.create_all()
> def create_cell(snp, snpval):
>     return Cell(snp=snp, snpval=snpval)
> class Patient(object):
>     def __init__(self, id, celfilename, sex):
>         self.id = id
>         self.celfilename = celfilename
>         self.sex = sex
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '<Patient %s>'%self.id
>     snps = association_proxy('by_rsid', 'snpval', creator=create_cell)
> class Cell(object):
>     def __init__(self, patient=None, snp=None, snpval=None):
>         self.patient = patient
>         self.snp = snp
>         self.snpval = snpval
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '<Cell %s>'%self.snpval
> class Snp(object):
>     def __init__(self, rsid, chromosome, location, probe_set_id,  
> allele):
>         self.rsid = rsid
>         self.chromosome = chromosome
>         self.location = location
>         self.probe_set_id = probe_set_id
>         self.allele = allele
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '<SNP %s>'%self.rsid
>     patients = association_proxy('by_patient', 'snpval',  
> creator=create_cell)
> class Snpval(object):
>     def __init__(self, val):
>         self.val = val
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return '<Snpval %s>'%self.val
> # mapper(Broker, brokers_table, properties={
> #     'by_stock': relation(Holding,
> #         collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('stock'))
> # })
> # 'cells' corresponds to a 1 to many relation.
> mapper(Patient, patient_table, properties={'cells':relation(Cell,  
> backref='patient'),
>                                            'by_rsid': relation(Cell,  
> collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('snp'))}
>                                            )
> # 'patient_snpval' corresponds to a many to 1 relation.
> # 'patient_snpval' corresponds to a 1 to 1 relation.
> mapper(Cell, cell_table, properties={'snp':relation(Snp,  
> backref='cells'),
>                                      'snpval':cell_table.c.snpval_id,
>                                      'snpval_obj':relation(Snpval,  
> uselist=False, backref='cell')})
> mapper(Snp, snp_table, properties={'by_patient': relation(Cell,  
> collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('patient'))})
> mapper(Snpval, snpval_table)
> #print patient_mapper.identity_key_from_instance()
> # 0) Create doublet (2 letters).
> # 1) Enter row names (cols) and patient names( snp ids).
> # 2) Look at text files and update linker tables.
> **************************************************************************
> >

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