Thanks for the quick response!

The following does *not* work.  Am I making the call incorrectly?

  sel = union_all(*[q.self_group() for q in querylist])

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> try calling self_group() on each select object.
> On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Bo Shi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There appear to be some nuances to using order by statements with set
>> operations like unions in MySQL but the following is allowed*:
>>  (SELECT a,b from DBA.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)
>>  (SELECT a,b from DBB.tbl ORDER BY b LIMIT 5)
>>  ORDER BY b
>> When I attempt to generate such a statement with:
>>  union_all(*list_of_select_objs),
>> The SQL generated lacks parentheses around the SELECT statements (in
>> addition to dropping the order by clauses, but that appears to be
>> expected behavior).  Is there a way to put the parentheses in?
>> *just an example, the query i've written is meaningless/useless :-)
>> --
>> Bo Shi
>> 207-469-8264
>> >
> >

Bo Shi

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