On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:31, Kless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks! Anyway I've seen that it's better add extensions in Elixir,
> into a declarative layer, just as has been made in DataMapper.

As I just said on the Elixir mailing list: not really. The ability to
add new types is an SQLAlchemy feature, not an Elixir one, so there is
no reason to add them only at the Elixir level. That said, I'm not
sure those types belong in SQLAlchemy "core". It *might* make sense to
have them in SQLAlchemy.ext namespace?

> http://elixir.ematia.de/apidocs/elixir.ext.html
> On 7 dic, 14:54, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> we have a bitbucket mirror athttp://www.bitbucket.org/mirror/sqlalchemy/
>> On Dec 7, 2008, at 5:01 AM, Kless wrote:
>> > I agree in that the SQLalchemy core been more centralized but would be
>> > very well if there would be a distributed version control where can be
>> > added easily new types.
>> > See as example to dm-more [1] -- of Datamapper--, where there are many
>> > contributions and many of them are very interesting.
>> > [1]http://github.com/sam/dm-more/tree/master/dm-types/lib/dm-types
>> >http://github.com/sam/dm-more/tree/master

Gaƫtan de Menten

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