On Dec 9, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Angri wrote:

> I can not agree that extending is "safe" as I've encountered another
> problem with custom class name:
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/sqlalchemy/trunk/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/util.py#L145
> And I guess it is not the last :(

It probably is the last.  That's something which has been added  
recently.  It previously worked in a dynamic fashion but was changed  
to what you see there for pickling purposes.  However it can be  
expanded to support classes which aren't present, so that you wouldn't  
notice it.   This technique is also something I picked up from a very  
well known and respected Python developer.

> I see, you propose not to extend class Column and write "a function
> that creates instances" but it seems to me that this approach is not
> good because it is not "pythonic", it is not "object-oriented"ly, it
> is hard to write, support and extend.

It's how most of SQLA clause elements are invoked, in fact.   Python's  
philosophy is defnitely not in the vein of "use objects and  
inheritance for everything", you're thinking of Java, which does not  
provide standalone functions in the language.  Using functions to  
return objects provides a convenient layer of variability between the  
composed structure of what the function returns and the public  
signature of that function.

Subclassing is definitely not the only way to extend something and the  
problem you're experiencing is a variant of the so-called "fragile  
base" problem.    What strikes me as most "unpythonic" here is that  
you think you need a rewrite of the library in a Java-like GOF style  
when a simple, one line function will solve your problem.

> Btw, I still think that relying on class name is a bad way to do
> things.

Here is where the technique is derived from, from the "visitor.py"  
module in Python's own compiler module:


>  What do you think Michael, how difficult it can be to rewrite
> those pieces of code to use more OOP-like technics, particularly
> explicitly define class properties (inheritable class properties!)
> instead of doing things like eval("Annotated%s"  %
> element.__class__.__name__)?

When I first started Python, I used a traditional GOF-visitor pattern,  
with explicit visit_XXX and dispatcher methods.  It's extremely  
verbose and tedious to refactor.  It didn't take too long for me to  
realize I was porting Java methodologies that are entirely  
inappropriate for a dynamic language like Python.  Subclassing Column  
in any case requires knowledge of the visitation logic - you either  
need to implement visit_XXX() in the GOF style, or __visit_name__ =  
'whatever' in the Pythonic style.

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