Thanks, I'm not sure its a good thing that I found new ways to use SA 
that were unintended by the author :).
In this case the raw sql query should return only a single row.

Michael Bayer wrote:
> I dont think this was ever known behavior in 0.4 and its a little
> strange that it "works" in 0.5 as of r5458, but keep in
> mind first() still fetches the full result set of the query.
> On Dec 10, 2008, at 3:14 PM, David Gardner wrote:
>> It seems what when using .first() with from_statement() I get a
>> traceback with 0.5rc4 when no rows are found (works when a row is
>> fount):
>> using 0.4.8 I get:
>> /usr
>> 0.4.8
>> with 0.5rc4 I get:
>> /users/dgardner/dev
>> 0.5.0rc4
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "", line 38, in <module>
>>    session.query(Note).from_statement(qry%(uid,name,updated)).first()
>>  File
>> "/users/dgardner/dev/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.5.0rc4-
>> py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>> line 1025, in first
>>    return list(self)[0]
>> IndexError: list index out of range
>> My test:
>> --------------------
>> import sys
>> print sys.prefix
>> from sqlalchemy import *
>> import sqlalchemy
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
>> DB_HOST = 'localhost'
>> DB_NAME = 'transitional'
>> DB_USER = 'sqluser'
>> DB_PASS = 'not_my_password'
>> db_uri = 'postgres://%s:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/%s' % 
>> db = create_engine (db_uri, pool_size=200,max_overflow=200)
>> #db.echo = True
>> metadata = MetaData(db)
>> class Note(object):
>>    pass
>> note_table = Table('note', metadata,
>>                   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>                   Column('created', DateTime,,
>>                   Column('updated', DateTime,,
>> onupdate=func.current_timestamp()),
>>                   Column('author',
>> String(255),ForeignKey('users.userid')),
>>                   Column('note', String),
>>                   Column('asset', String(20),
>> ForeignKey('nodehierarchy.uid'), nullable=False)
>>                   )
>> mapper(Note, note_table)
>> print sqlalchemy.__version__
>> qry="""SELECT note.* FROM note_task JOIN note ON
>> WHERE note_task.task_asset='%s' AND note_task.task_name='%s' AND
>> note.updated='%s'"""
>> uid='00420123774551347239'
>> name='UV'
>> updated='2008-12-05 16:45:46.299124-08:00'
>> session = create_session()
>> session.query(Note).from_statement(qry%(uid,name,updated)).first()
>> sys.exit(0)
>> --
>> David Gardner
>> Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
>> Jim Henson Creature Shop
> >

David Gardner
Pipeline Tools Programmer, "Sid the Science Kid"
Jim Henson Creature Shop

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