the code u've given is quite incomplete.
i couldnt get it to work with responses.join(presentations), so i put 
just responses, and added property 
and it returns same results.

try just executing whole query....count() by hand twice without all 
the funcs, and see.

On Friday 12 December 2008 07:57:13 channing wrote:
> I have a weird problem: Two identical functions, created using a
> lambda from the same issuing identical SQL, return two different
> answers. I'm embarrassed to say this, but it looks stochastic. I'm
> running 0.4.2p3 with Python 2.5.2 and Ipython 0.8.1.
> First, the guided tour. I'm using a lambda function to make new,
> single-argument versions of a multi-argument function:
> def _parse_fun(fun, fun_args=None):
>     return lambda x: fun.__call__(x,fun_args)
> Now I have another function that does some filtering and counting:
> def n_classresps(unit,class_name):
>     return query(ClassResponse).filter_by(unit=unit)\
>                 .filter_by(class_name=class_name).count()
> And I use _parse_fun to set the value of the class_name argument:
> yf = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'noise')
> The problem comes when I make multiple instances:
> foo = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'noise')
> Now calling yf and foo returns different results: yf(qunits[0])
> returns 0, while foo(qunits[0]) returns 3.
> I've included a model below that reproduces my problem. The server
> is a test server that only I'm using, so the database isn't
> changing. I have this saved to a file, and I run it in IPython
> 0.8.1 using the run command. After running, if I define
> foo = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'zf song')
> And foo(qunits[0]) gives me 3. Then I define
> bar = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'zf song')
> Now bar(qunits[0]) gives me 0. See where this is going?
> The version in my full app reliably gives me the wrong answer,
> despite issuing the right SQL. I've set engine.echo=True and
> enabled query logging on the MySQL server, and the SQL is all fine.
> Running the SQL with engine.execute gives the right answer, as does
> running the SQL from a command-line tool.
> Any ideas as to what could be causing this? I am at a complete
> loss.
> Thanks,
> Channing
> --------------- Code follows -----------------
> from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, ForeignKey,
> create_engine, Integer, String, select
> from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, ColumnProperty,
> scoped_session, sessionmaker
> from sqlalchemy.databases.mysql import MSEnum
> '''
> Set up engine
> '''
> engine = create_engine(*****)
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
> transactional=True,
>                                       bind=engine))
> metadata = MetaData(engine)
> query = Session.query
> def _parse_fun(fun,fun_args=None):
>     return lambda x: fun.__call__(x,fun_args)
> def n_classresps(unit,class_name):
>     return query(ClassResponse)\
>                 .filter_by(unit=unit)\
>                 .filter_by(class_name=class_name)\
>                 .count()
> class Presentation(object):
>     pass
> class Response(object):
>     pass
> class Unit(object):
>     pass
> class ClassPresentation(Presentation):
>     pass
> class ClassResponse(Response):
>     pass
> presentations = Table('presentations', metadata,
>                       Column('presentation_id', Integer,
>                              primary_key=True, nullable=False),
>                       Column('block_id', Integer, nullable=False),
>                       Column('type', MSEnum
> ('single','repeated','class'),
>                              nullable=False)
>                       )
> responses = Table('responses', metadata,
>                   Column('response_id', Integer,
>                          primary_key=True, nullable=False),
>                   Column('unit_id', Integer,
>                          ForeignKey('units.unit_id'),
>                          nullable=False),
>                   Column(u'presentation_id', Integer,
> ForeignKey('presentations.presentation_id'), nullable=False)
>                   )
> class_presentations = Table('class_presentations', metadata,
>                             Column('presentation_id', Integer,
>                                    ForeignKey
> ('presentations.presentation_id'),
>                                    primary_key=True,
> nullable=False), Column('class_name', String,
> nullable=False)
>                             )
> units = Table('units', metadata,
>               Column('unit_id', Integer, primary_key=True,
>                      nullable=False),
>               Column('recsite_id', Integer, nullable=False),
>               Column('type',
> MSEnum('extracellular','intracellular'), nullable=False)
>               )
> mapper(Presentation,presentations,
>        polymorphic_on=presentations.c.type,
>        polymorphic_identity='presentation')
> rmapper = mapper(Response,responses.join(presentations),
>                  polymorphic_on=presentations.c.type,
>                  polymorphic_identity='response',
>                  properties={'unit':relation(Unit)})
> mapper(Unit,units)
> mapper(ClassPresentation,class_presentations,
>        inherits=Presentation,
>        polymorphic_identity='class')
> mapper(ClassResponse, inherits=rmapper,
>        polymorphic_identity='class',
>        properties={'class_name':ColumnProperty(select
> ([class_presentations.c.class_name],
> responses.c.presentation_id==class_presentations.c.presentation_id)
>\ .label ('class_name'))})
> ''' The actual code that fails'''
> qunits = query(Unit)
> yf = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'zf_song')
> a = yf(qunits[0])
> #foo = _parse_fun(n_classresps,'zf_song')

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